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Clever theories come to nothing; streams which began with much noise at last lose themselves in the sand. Undoubtedly, it presents a very important, and, in many ways, interesting class of intellectual phenomena, among the many groups of such inquiries, moral, philosophical, scientific, political, social, of which the world is full, and of which no sober thinker expects to see the end.

Complicated naval manoeuvres followed, but on the 21st the enemy was forced to give battle, a few leagues from Cape Trafalgar, and Nelson caused his immortal signal to be hoisted "England expects that every man will do his duty".

They proclaim loudly the character and price of their articles, the latter, of course, subject to negotiation. The same custom prevails as in Turkey, of demanding much more than the seller expects to get. Foreigners are generally fleeced a little in the beginning, tho much less so, I believe, than in Italy.... The winter of 1857-58 was the severest in the memory of any inhabitant.

Booth looked at her and indulged in a queer little smile, to which she responded with a painful flush. "Vivian expects to have a few friends out at the same time very quietly, you know, and without much of a hurrah. Young ladies you ought to know in New York, my dear Miss Castleton. I dare say you will remember all of them, Brandon." "I dare say," said Booth, without interest.

The priest laughed noiselessly, showing white teeth. "Was it so selfish in Madame to refuse the name of Finden n'est-ce pas?" Finden flushed, then burst into a laugh. "I'd almost forgotten I was one of them the first almost. Blessed be he that expects nothing, for he'll get it sure. It was my duty, and I did it. Was she to feel that Jansen did not price her high?

But if Hobson expects me to drop in at any moment, he is afraid I may find the book on his library table and ask him whether he has read it. So he hides the book in his bedroom. Then he is indeed mine. Some night he will be out of sorts and find it hard to go to sleep. His eye will fall on the book lying there on his table, and he will pick it up, at the same time lighting a cigar.

"So he expects to get very rich, does he?" "Oh, yes. He talks about what he will do when he has money. It certainly would be a great pity to take such a hope from him. I believe it would kill him at once." For a long time they talked, and it was late when they went to bed, the stranger with the chauffeur in the adjoining room, and Jasper upon the cot.

I don't know what it is; it's not my business to know. But his wife's another proposition altogether." "I suppose he expects her to trust him over it," said Joan thoughtfully. "That's about the size of it. And Diana isn't taking any." "I should trust him with anything in the world a man with that face!" observed Joan, after a pause. "There you go!" cried Jerry discontentedly.

'He said, "I believe in Eternal Life," As he threw his life away What need to hoard? He could well afford To squander his mortal day. With Eternity his, what need to care? A sort of immortal millionaire. LECTOR. I am glad to be reminded, Scriptor, that you are a poet, for the line of your argument had almost made me forget it. One expects other views from a poet.

When I reached the village-like town of Villefranche, I perceived a movement of men and women like that of bees around a hive. I chanced to arrive on the day of the local fair, when everybody expects to make some money, from the peasant proprietor or the metayer who brings in his corn or cattle, to the small shopkeeper who lives upon the agriculturist.