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If truth-telling has become a habit, one gets slowly off the mark when the moment arrives for the prudent lie. Quite against my will, I hesitated. Observant Mr MacGinnis perceived my hesitation and expectorated triumphantly. 'Ah ghee! he remarked. And then with a sudden return to ferocity, 'All right, you Sam, you wait! We'll fix you, and fix you good! See? Dat goes.

I have seen several patients in this disease, of which the following are the circumstances. 1. They were men about fifty years of age, and had lived freely in respect to fermented liquors. 2. They lost their appetite to animal food. 3. They became suddenly emaciated to a great degree. 4. Their skins were dry and rough. 5. They coughed and expectorated with difficulty a viscid phlegm. 6.

As he was always late, he requested that the courses be brought up again from the kitchen, and if he did not like them, he would send them back untouched; he sneezed and expectorated and rocked his chair and hummed and leaned his elbows on the table and picked his teeth. Everybody respects him, the waitress admires everything he says, and is, I am sure, in love with him.

The jury looked at one another and nodded to the man on the end of the first bunk; and he, shifting a quid of tobacco to the slack of his right cheek, expectorated gravely into the sand and spoke solemnly: "The verdict of the jury is all in favor of turnin' the kid loose." "John Belden, you are released. And we'd advise you to be a little careful how you sass men in this country.

"The matter about which we have the courage and the honour to apply to you, gentlemen, is very clear, very simple, and very brief. It will take only six or seven minutes. I consider it my duty to warn you of this beforehand, in view of the late hour and the 115 degrees that Fahrenheit marks in the shade." The orator expectorated slightly and glanced at his superb gold watch.

A dozen questions had been asked, and an attempt had been made to confuse and browbeat the youth, when the Nestor of the Lexington Bar expectorated at a fly ten feet away, and remarked, "Oh, the devil! there is no need of tryin' to keep a boy like this down he's as fit as we, or fitter!" And so he was admitted.

To offer tobacco to anyone was absolutely a borderman's guarantee of friendliness toward that person. Jeff expectorated half a dozen times, each time coming a little nearer the stone he was aiming at, some five yards distant. Possibly this was the borderman's way of oiling up his conversational machinery. At all events, he commenced to talk. "Yer brother's goin' to preach out here, ain't he?

Once more the result of the shots was good; but the smoke choked and blinded them and one man was overcome by the fumes. They carried him out the road a bit and after he showed signs of coming round, Robert gave instructions for him to be taken to the surface. "Oh, Lod, but it's nippin' my e'en," said one as he rubbed his eyes and blew his nose, sneezed and finally expectorated.

Lewin says that in this case the severity of the eruption was in accordance with the size of the dose, and during its existence there was bleeding at the gums; he adds that Gouchet also noticed an eruption of this kind in a lady who after taking quinin expectorated blood. The petechiae were profusely spread over the entire body, and they disappeared after the suspension of the drug.

And Barlasch expectorated emphatically into the fire, after the manner of low-born men. "What a pity," he added reflectively, "that he is only an Englishman." "When are we to go?" asked Desiree, still behind her barrier of clasped fingers. "To-morrow night, after midnight. We have arranged it all the Captain and I at the outpost nearest to the river. He has influence.