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She had tried, and she was now revived for the only thing that she knew, for love. But love with a husband polluted by jealousy and ill-nature was no longer her ideal. She began to think of some other tenderness; at least, that is what I thought. She looked about her as if expecting some event or some being. I noticed it, and I could not help being anxious.

"And a rare figure of fun she looks in it!" observed Mrs. Bunting sarcastically. And then, "I suppose this dressing up means that you're expecting someone. I should have thought both of you must have seen enough of young Chandler for one day. I wonder when that young chap does his work that I do! He never seems too busy to come and waste an hour or two here."

"That's what I thought," from Billie. "They look like a bunch of vaqueros to me; but what would a crowd of fifty cowpunchers be doing in a country where the only cattle are goats?" "That's right!" laughed Donald, greatly amused at Billie's odd expression, "but still that is what they appear to be. Perhaps they are expecting a drove of cattle up on the train."

Ahoy!" shouted back Jem, and the two boat-keepers watched the moving ferns in front of them, expecting to see the straw hat of a messmate directly; but instead there appeared the black white-tipped feathers, and then the hideously tattooed bluish face of a savage, followed directly after by another, and two stalwart men came out on to the sands, and began to walk slowly down toward the boat.

Whereupon we all pinched her for making a pun and went on shivering. Just when we got off the road I don't know, but gradually we became aware that it was not hard earth we were riding over but something that swished under the wheels like long grass. "We're in a field!" cried Sahwah. Nyoda turned the car around and we went a few yards, expecting to get back into the road every minute.

Here is the first sight of Jerusalem: "At length, about five o'clock, after expecting, for the last half-hour, that every hill-side we climbed would be the last, we came suddenly in full view of Jerusalem. Few, I think, however careless, have looked for the first time on this scene, without some feelings of solemn awe.

The poor monks, few and unprepared, who came over at their own expense, probably expecting a roof and a welcome, found their mud flat was inhabited by indignant Somersetæ, whose ways, manners, language, and food were unknown to them. The welcome still customarily given in these parts to strangers was warmer than usual.

"Did you ever know daddy to stay away as long as this?" she asked one evening as they sat at supper. "I have known him to be away much longer," was the reply. "Once he was gone for a whole month. He is prospecting for gold, you know, and goes far off at times." "But he has never discovered anything, has he?" "Nothing of great value as yet, although he is always expecting to do so some day.

He called softly to him, but the boy passed on through the doorway and was lost to sight. Annoyed at the unnecessary risk taken by the boy, Ned stepped back into the room he had just left and waited half expecting to hear a call for assistance. He knew that he could be of more assistance there than in the open doorway to the room which the boy had entered.

'No wonder he was disappointed at seeing us he was expecting them! said Janet, smiling a little. 'They are sure to come, said Miss Goodwin. Near us a couple of yachtsmen were conversing. 'Oh, he'll be back in a day or two, one said. 'When you 've once tasted that old boy, you can't do without him.