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That she had leaned out, or partly passed out, of the window at some time or other, as the scrap of lace testified. Why had she leaned out? To seek some means of exit or escape, of course. But escape from whom? from what? The murderer? But there might be another even stronger reason to attempt escape at such imminent risk as leaving an express train at full speed.

My impression is, that if we can only find an effective exit for Ancoats, a last act that he would consider worthy of him, he will bow himself out of the business willingly enough." Fontenoy smiled rather gloomily, and the two walked on in silence. Once or twice, as they paced the Terrace, George glanced sidelong at his leader. A corner of Fontenoy's nightly letter to Mrs.

These gathered themselves up and pushed through the throng; but many skulkers plead injuries, and so escaped. When I attempted to follow, on horseback, hands were laid upon me and I was refused exit. In that hour of terror and sadness, there were yet jests and loud laughter.

The brother and sister, being young and active, were pretty smart in making their exit, and David Butts, being used to doors, was not slow to shut his own, but they could not altogether baffle the colonel, for he was waiting outside. Indeed, he had been whistling with furious insolence through the keyhole all the time of the visit.

But probably the bulk of it will arrive to-morrow afternoon." "Yes, sir," said Reuben, and departed respiring noisily. As he made his exit Flamby carefully closed the door, and "Oh," she cried, "what a funny old man! Whatever did he mean by hahsma?" "I have been struggling with the same problem," declared Don, "and I have come to the conclusion that he referred to asthma."

We were walking together, when she told me she had some business in a house we were passing, and asked me to wait for her. I waited more than an hour, and then discovered that this house, like many others in Lyons, had an exit in another street; and I understood that Madame de Lamotte had escaped by this passage, and that I might wait in vain.

Sylvie Hermenstein was richer far than he, she had not only wealth and a great position, but the joys of a natural existence, and of a perfect home-life were not denied to her. Presently, seeing that they were approaching the gates of exit from the Pamphili, he said, "Contessa, will you give me the favour of an hour's conversation with you one afternoon this week?

Anything I can get you in town? Well, good-bye, dear, good-bye! Maude had never seen him make so hurried an exit. It is always a mystery to the City man how his wife puts in the seven hours a day of loneliness while the E.C. has claimed him for its own. She cannot explain it to him, for she can hardly explain it to herself.

The logical sequence of events is proof enough that it was in the room. It killed Captain Gunner there, and left traces of its presence outside. Therefore, as the window was the only exit, it must have escaped by that route. It may have climbed or it may have jumped, but somehow it got out of that window." "What do you mean it left traces of its presence outside?"

Behind them was the silent watcher, the tall man who had followed Dorise when she had made her secret exit from the house wherein the gay dance was till in progress. An empty seat was near, and with one accord the lovers sank upon it, Hugh still holding the girl's soft hand. "I must really go," she said. "Mother will miss me, no doubt." "And George Sherrard, too?" asked her companion bitterly.