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Similar difficulties and ambiguities attend the use of the word soul, for Buddhism, which is supposed to hold that there is no soul, preaches retribution in future existences for acts done in this, and seeks to terrify the evil doer with the pains of hell; whereas the philosophy of the Brahmans, which inculcates a belief in the soul, seems to teach in some of its phases that the disembodied and immortal soul has no consciousness in the ordinary human sense.

He is the Agent of that preservation which is only a continual creation. In Him is life, and all living things live because of the continual presence and operation upon them of His divine power. And again I say, what is phenomenal and unusual in this miracle is but the suppression of two or three of the connecting links between the continual cause of all creatural existences, and its effect.

I believe you are latent with unseen existences, you are so dear to me." A subtle interpenetration of your spirit with the spirit of those "unseen existences," now so deeply and thrillingly felt by you, will take place. Old barriers will vanish: and you will become aware that St.

All these cases which we have been rehearsing, taking them in the fullest literality, agree in this general point of union they are all silent incarnations of miraculous power miracles, supposing them to have been such originally, locked up and embodied in the regular course of nature, just as we see lineaments of faces and of forms in petrifactions, in variegated marbles, in spars, or in rocky strata, which our fancy interprets as once having been real human existences; but which are now confounded with the substance of a mineral product.

Meaningless lessons which had to be learned Opponent who praises one with a delightful irony Righteousness a stern and terrible thing implying not joy Staunch advocate on the doctrine of infant damnation That's the great thing, to keep 'em ignorant as long as possible The saloon represented Democracy, so dear to the American public They deplored while they coveted We lived separate mental existences We had learned to pursue our happiness in packs What you wants, you gets Your American romanticist is a sentimental spoiled child

At first their numbers were recruited from time to time by new brethren, but at length these ceased to come, with the result that the community was dying out. "And what then?" I asked. "And then," the abbot answered, "nothing. We have acquired much merit; we have been blest with many revelations, and, after the repose we have earned in Devachan, our lots in future existences will be easier.

The deities to whom these men pray are incapable of being seen or touched. They are believed to exist in subtile forms. The identity of immaterial existences with objects that are material cannot be comprehended. Some are of opinion that there is rebirth and that it is caused by Ignorance, the desire for acts, cupidity, heedlessness, and adherence to other faults.

For by previously showing incontestably that thought and consciousness are real existences, he had completely proved the premiss wherein his conclusion is included.

How could I be sure that she did not lead two distinct existences? that she had not some loving spirit, or man, who, like her, had for a time left the body behind who was all in all to her in that region, and whom she forgot when she forsook it, as she forgot me when she entered it? It was a thought I could not brook. But I put aside its persistency as well as I could, till she should come again.

Static existences only prevail with static people, and there was too much surgingly dynamic about this twenty year old girl to have encouraged it here. I say, too, with candor that any man of twenty-six whose blood is red is with the great out-of-doors abetting not insulated for or against currents.