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Even Yam-lo, the lord of the spirits of that dreary world, has been moved by your unchanging devotion; so much so that he has given me permission to come and see you, in order that I might tell you how deeply my heart is moved by the profound affection that you have exhibited for me all these months during which you never had any expectation of its being returned."

My experience at Cairo gave me a poor opinion of Fremont's qualities as a business man, but in the early part of his career he had exhibited capacity of a high order as a bold and successful explorer of the then unknown regions of the Rocky Mountains.

So I think there are, as it were, two great masses of what the Psalmist calls 'goodness'; one of them which has been plainly manifested 'before the sons of men, the other which is 'laid up' in store. There are a great many notes in circulation, but there is far more bullion in the strong-room. Much 'goodness' has been exhibited; far more lies concealed.

London was captivated by the abnormal combination of snow and slyness which she presented to it, and began at once to make much of her. At one time the English were supposed to be cold; and rather gloried in the supposition. But recently a change has taken place in the national character at any rate as exhibited in London. Rigidity has gone out of fashion.

Upon this, one of the Coastguards, going a short distance from the rest of us, exhibited a lantern with a red light, and presently we found that the whip or double line with a tailed block was being hauled off by the men on the wreck. We had now to wait again until once more the lantern was shown on board.

Tathâgata, by exercise of virtue, exhibited all kinds of spiritual powers; thus he subdued and harmonized the minds of all, and caused them in due order to attain religious truth, and through the kingdom virtuous seeds were sown, as at the first when men began to live.

There already are the heights of learning as it is, as this school finds it, dramatically exhibited on the one hand; but this, too, life as it is, as this school finds it, man's life as it is, unreduced to order by his philosophy, unreduced to melody by his verse, must also be dramatically exhibited on the other hand, must also be impersonated.

The nice actions of the extremities of our various glands are exhibited in their various productions, which are believed to be made by the gland, and not previously to exist as such in the blood. Thus the glands, which constitute the liver, make bile; those of the stomach make gastric acid; those beneath the jaw, saliva; those of the ears, ear-wax; and the like.

His career as it has now been fully exhibited could have but one termination. He had made himself thoroughly odious to the nation whom he came to govern. He had lost for ever the authority once spontaneously bestowed; and he had attempted in vain, both by fair means and foul, to recover that power. There was nothing left him but retreat. Of this he was thoroughly convinced.

Every new celebrity immediately suggested to him the idea of giving a dinner. No illustrious person passing through Paris, polar explorer or famous singer, could escape being exhibited in the dining room of Lacour. The son of Desnoyers at whom he had scarcely glanced before now inspired him with sudden interest.