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The result of your first exertions favored my intentions. I admit that your imagination was more actively employed upon the work than was your penetration. The loss of your fondest convictions was more than atoned for by your presentiments, which gathered results much more rapidly than the tortoise pace of cold scientific inquiry, passing from the known to the unknown.

But to return to the hunting-match; the natives understanding this kind of warfare, were terribly alarmed, for they at once perceived the power and numbers of the whites. Shortly afterwards a party of thirteen belonging to two tribes came in; and, conscious of their unprotected condition, delivered themselves up in despair. Subsequently by the intrepid exertions of Mr.

"You have, then, really found that in your own little village your exertions exertions not very arduous, not demanding a tenth part of your time have done practical good?" "Certainly I think so," replied Maltravers, in some surprise.

At the end of eighteen couple, tired of my exertions and they were not slight I leaned my back against the wall of the room, which I now, for the first time, perceived was covered with a very peculiar and novel species of hanging no less than a kind of rough, green baize cloth, that moved and floated at every motion of the air.

Preserving on her face an angry expression, and breathing heavily from shame, from the consciousness of her own awkwardness, and from the exertions, she clumsily climbed up on the table. The doctor, squinting through his pince-nez and dropping it every minute, carried out the inspection. "Go ahead! ... You're sound." And on the reverse side of the blank he marked off: "Twenty-eighth of August.

Both assumed the character of a patron to learning and learned men; but Napoleon, in an age when knowledge of every kind was self-patronized when no possible exertions of power could avail to crush it and yet, under these circumstances, with utter insincerity.

In these exertions, Pericles was zealously assisted by Clinias, a noble and wealthy Athenian, the friend of Anaxagoras and Phidias, and a munificent patron of the arts.

Our batteries continued, with unabated exertions, to knock off the defences; and everything, from appearances, seemed calculated to insure complete success. My heart was all alive this day, and I wished for the sombre garments of night. This was the 9th day of January, 1805.

Then, greatly fatigued by their unwonted exertions, but with the memory of a thoroughly enjoyable day fresh upon them, they paddled leisurely off to the brig, reaching her just as the sun was dipping below the horizon.

The very day that we arrived she had been attacked by symptomatic illness. She was paralyzed with horror at the idea of leaving her aged, sightless father alone on the empty earth; but she had not courage to disclose the truth, and the very excess of her desperation animated her to surpassing exertions.