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Principle apart, and principle wholly failed him, all else that most appeals to man's self-respect and regard for the esteem of others was powerless to exert control.

For an explanation of what I have here called vaguely "surrounding circumstances," and of why they continually change for ample proof that the "struggle for existence" is a very great reality, and assuredly 'tends' to exert the influence ascribed to it I must refer to Mr. Darwin's book.

That I should not neglect any opportunity of observing and noting down the dip and variation of the magnetic needle, and the intensity of the magnetic force; and should take particular notice whether any, and what kind or degree of, influence the Aurora Borealis might appear to exert on the magnetic needle; and to notice whether that phenomenon were attended with any noise; and to make any other observations that might be likely to tend to the further development of its cause and the laws by which it is governed.

Sick of the murderous scramble for pelf and power, he withdraws from most political activity, though still able to exert a wide influence. About this time twenty-two political rivals of Robespierre the Girondists were sent by one decree to the guillotine. Danton, vainly pleading for mercy, saw that the Committee of Safety machine was being made an instrument of slaughter.

He who opens this letter, is therefore conjured to apply to the nearest magistrate, and, following such indications as the papers may afford, to exert himself for the relief of one, who, while he possesses every claim to assistance which oppressed innocence can give, has, at the same time, both the inclination and the means of being grateful to his deliverers.

The idea was absurd: they could not understand any one wishing to exert herself in a novel and unnecessary way. She lost her snuff-box, and roused herself to hunt all over her enormous person for it a work of time; but a friend had borrowed it, and it was passed back to her.

"Our being here is a farce if this trade is allowed," said Nelson, and rightly; for so far as appearances then went, the only influence the British squadrons could exert was by curtailing the supplies of southern France.

To prevent any such action was not selfish on the part of the United States, for the American canal was to have an open door, and there was no economic justification for another seaway from the Atlantic to the Pacific. There might, however, be some temptation in the political and military influence which such a prospective second canal could exert.

Thus we note that in this case the virile fluid is wasted, not being used in the procreative act or reabsorbed to exert its influence on virility. Nature's ends have been defeated. The system suffers a certain degree of depletion from which it recovers only after hours or even days.

Upon her soul, too, lay heavily that ancient Law of the House, which demands unfailing courtesy to the stranger within our gates. Just why the eating of our bread and salt by some undesired guest should exert any particular charm of immunity, has long been an open question, but the Law remains.