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Placable Aunt Bazalgette accepted her excuses, and opened the business that brought her there. "I didn't leave my bed at this hour for nothing, you may be sure." "N no, aunt." "Lucy," continued Mrs. Bazalgette, deepening, "there is a weight on my mind." Up sat Lucy in the bed, and two sapphire eyes opened wide and made terror lovely. "Oh, aunt, what have you been doing?

"You're not going, Cynthia!" cried Susan, in a voice that may have had a little too much eagerness in it. "You must stay and help us entertain Mr. Browne." Browne, but she never would." Cynthia was not skilled in the art of making excuses. She hesitated for one, and was lost. So she sat down, as far from Mr. Browne as possible, next to Jane. In a few minutes Mr.

The unwilling guest was naturally very downcast, and ill at ease, and could not dissemble his anguish. He tried to stammer out excuses and get away from the table. Robespierre, perceiving his distress, interrogated him as to the cause. The physician, putting his hand to his head, discovered his reluctance to explain.

"Baby was asleep, and it was so very late he might, surely, wait till morning." To which, though rather surprised, he assented. A few more caresses, a few more excuses, had still further delayed the terrible moment; until at last the father's impatience would no longer be restrained. "Come, Sybilla, let us go and see our little Olive." "O Angus!" and the mother turned deadly white.

It was after I had moved to New York and had taken a desk job that I detected myself in the act, as it were, of plumping out. Cognizant of the fact, as I was, I nevertheless took no curative or corrective measures in the way of revising my diet. I was content to make excuses inwardly. I said to myself that I came of a breed whose members in their mature years were inclined to broaden noticeably.

Many a charity visitor who preaches the gospel of toil is herself, except for some fitful and ineffective "social work," a useless ornament to society who hardly knows the meaning of "toil." If idleness is a mote in the eyes of the poor, it is a beam in the eyes of the rich. Neither blood nor rank nor sex excuses from the universal duty. And cf. W. Dew. Cf. also Tolstoy, in What to Do?

Harriet's jealousy was assuredly voicing itself now, Shelley's conscience was assuredly nagging him, pestering him, persecuting him. Shelley needed excuses for his altered attitude towards his wife; Providence pitied him and sent the wet-nurse. If Providence had sent him a cotton doughnut it would have answered just as well; all he wanted was something to find fault with.

It was in pity for the Children of Lir, that were turned into swans, that they were kept alive long enough to be baptized and sent to heaven. Can you fancy Latona and her children so received by Greekish or Latin monks into the Communion of Saints? But the Irish Church was always finding excuses for the salvation of the great figures of old.

"Nonsense. You go and Uncle Jim goes because to go is duty." "Then I think duty is a woman that accounts for it, Leila. I retire beaten." "You are very bad to-day but make Uncle Jim talk it all out to Aunt Ann." "He will, and soon. He has been routed by a dozen excuses. I told him at last that the mill business has leaked out and the village is saying things.

But you would have been yet more surprised at the dexterity with which the Arch Fiend laid bare their crimes, and answered their vain excuses home. But when these were receiving the last infernal sentence, there came forty scholars before the court, mounted on capering devils, more ugly, if possible, than Lucifer himself.