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If they had done so, they might have seen him draw a good-sized bundle out from under the lilac-thicket in the back yard, and hurry down through the garden. A few minutes more and Dabney appeared on the fence of the old cross-road leading down to the shore. There he sat, eying one passer-by after another, till he suddenly sprang from his perch, exclaiming: "That's just the chap.

"Walter is dying," said she to Kate, "and would see you once more. Come quickly." Hastily dressing herself, Kate went forth with the strange girl, who spoke not a word until Walter's room was reached. Feebly the sick man wound his arms around Kate's neck, exclaiming, "My own, my beautiful Kate, I knew you would come.

Van Berg heard Ida Mayhew exclaiming against the clouds as if this spite were aimed at herself only. "Some of her friends might not venture from the city," she said. "They youths are not venturesome, then," remarked Stanton, who never lost an opportunity to tease. "Of course they don't wish to get wet," she pouted.

But Jack, whose eyes had not accommodated themselves as rapidly as mine to the gigantic perspective, remained at the window, exclaiming: "Fiddlesticks! What are you trying to give us? The earth is down below, I reckon." But in another minute he, too, saw it as it really was, and his astonishment equaled mine.

He was a fair-haired boy and was forever smiling. Now he reached Nuck first and fairly hugged him around the neck, exclaiming: "We thought you were shot! However came you to be so long comin' back, Nuck? Mother's quite worritted 'bout you, she says." Katie, the fly-away sister of ten, hurled herself next upon her elder brother and seized the heavy rifle from his hands.

It is shaded by a weeping willow, and is surrounded by a hexagonal paling. Who is there acquainted with the legend, whether he believes that the dog lies beneath those stones or not, can visit them without exclaiming with a sigh, "Poor Gelert!" After wandering about the valley for some time, and seeing a few of its wonders, I inquired my way for Festiniog, and set off for that place.

And this evening mother and I will come again." "Very well," said Paula. "But first I must go to see the invalids." "May I go with you?" asked the Water wagtail, coaxingly stroking Paula's arm. But Mary clapped her hands, exclaiming: "She only wants to go to Orion she is so fond of him...."

There came up, however, a parcel of savage-looking fellows, butchers and graziers chiefly, among whose cattle there had been of late a very general and fatal distemper, which their wisdom imputed to witchcraft. They laid violent hands on Madge, and tore her from the carriage, exclaiming "What, doest stop folk o' king's high-way?

Not so the majority of the officers round the table: they were excited, and ready to spring up in their indignation. The King's name restrained them all but Rigaud de Vaudreuil, who impetuously burst out with an oath, exclaiming, "They may as well sell New France at once to the enemy, if we are not to defend Quebec! The treasury wants money for the war in Europe forsooth!

He read it, crumpled it up and put it in his pocket, and then stared fixedly at me, exclaiming, "Well, this is a pretty business! What does the consul mean by sending such a chap as YOU home in my ship? Are there not ships enough in port to take you home without singling out mine?" To this question I could give no satisfactory answer, nor is it probable he expected one.