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"Signori," said the Duke to the Americans, "allow me to present you to my mother, the head of our illustrious family; one who is known, admired and feared throughout Sicily as her Excellenza la Duchessa d'Alcanta." With the words the Duke bowed low to the old woman. Uncle John and Ferralti also bowed low. The lines of servitors humbly bent themselves double.

"I think it was premeditated, but I will soon find out." "What steps have you take a to ? But no! go on go on. What took place afterward?" "Nothing, excellenza; for after this gondola, came that of my lord the marquis, and the signora retreated hastily to her room." "Ah! Now tell me what you have done?" "I posted one of my men, with his gondola, under the balcony.

'They no come-a here-a now-a-time, Excellenza, she said, 'but you-a fin' dem at Morris Siegelman's restaurant at 'alf-a-pass twelve. He said something choice in pure Magyar, I guess and headed for the taxi. That is all, or practically all.

"There was a bad prospect for the expectant bridegroom in France, for whenever the padrona spoke of him, it was with a laugh we knew, and which boded no good; but she still wrote frequently to the marquis and his mother, and many a letter from Rochebrun reached our house. To be sure, her excellenza also gave Don Luis more than one secret audience.

But as it regards the high price you have set upon my humble effort, I can only say, that I had designed it from the first as a present for your excellenza, and only ask in return, that it may find a place in your private and unrivalled collection-if, indeed, it shall be deemed worthy of that honor."

You have heard that their father would even attack them, yet he doubtless loved them and would never resolve to place them in a convent. True, he often felt at least he freely admitted it in conversations with her excellenza that there were more suitable places for young girls than his castle, where matters went badly enough, and so he at last sent his oldest daughter to us.

"With what manner of weapon were you cut in the face?" said he. "Not with a sabre, for the scar is curved." "It was not a sabre-cut, excellenza," replied the man, in a low, tremulous voice. "I was in the breech, fighting hand to hand with a Turk, whom I had just overthrown. While I was stooping over his prostrate body, he drew forth a yataghan and gashed my face as you see."

"Fresh horses to Fondi," said the Englishman, as the landlord came bowing to the carriage door. "Would not his Excellenza alight and take some refreshment?" "No he did not mean to eat until he got to Fondi!" "But the horses will be some time in getting ready " "Ah. that's always the case nothing but delay in this cursed country." "If his Excellenza would only walk into the house " "No, no, no!

Go down at once, Belotti, and have the sedan-chair prepared. The old chevalier's room in the rear building is empty." "But, Excellenza, it's gloomy, and so damp that the north wall is covered with mould." "Then let it be aired and cleaned. What does this delay mean? You have only to obey. Do you understand?"

"She seemed regarding this young artist at the moment when she was taken ill." "Singular." "Very, your highness." "Hasten after her, and return and let me know how she is." "Si, excellenza." "Say I will join her anon." "I will, excellenza."