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"I received it two years ago, excellenza, at the taking of Prevosa." "You have been a soldier, then?" asked Eugene, his countenance at once expressing interest. "I have, indeed; and but for the loss of my right hand by the sabre of an infernal Turk, I would be a soldier still." "You have written the conquests of the republic upon your body, my friend," said Eugene, kindly.

Wilhelm shook his head, and the Italian continued, "There are other doctors in Leyden, but Father Damianus says de Bont or Bontius, as they call him, is the most skilful and learned of them all, and as the old excellenza herself had an attack of illness about noon, and certainly won't leave her bed very speedily, the way is open, and Father Damianus says he'll go to Doctor Bontius himself if necessary.

'Now I think of it, ma'amselle, said Annette, 'I do believe there are prisoners, for I overheard one of the Signor's men, yesterday, in the servants hall, talking something about ransoms, and saying what a fine thing it was for his excellenza to catch up men, and they were as good booty as any other, because of the ransoms.

A thousand ejaculations and protestations, accompanied by all sorts of grimaces and contortions. "No purse had been seen his excellenza must be mistaken." No his excellenza was not mistaken; the purse lay on the marble table, under the mirror: a green purse, half full of gold and silver. Again a thousand grimaces and contortions, and vows by San Genario, that no purse of the kind had been seen.

"We are Christians," interrupted the servant, not without dignity. "Very well, very well," she cried. "Do what you please, call whom you choose, but Henrica can't stay here. Contagion in the house, the plague, a black tablet." "Excellenza is disturbing herself unnecessarily. Let us first hear what the doctor says." "I won't hear him; I can't bear the plague and the small-pox.

"Excellenza, miserabili!" sighed they, thrusting forth their deformed limbs to view. Even the hostess, with bare feet, uncombed hair, and dressed in a garment of doubtful color, received the guests grumblingly.

You have heard that their father would even attack them, yet he doubtless loved them and would never resolve to place them in a convent. True, he often felt at least he freely admitted it in conversations with her excellenza that there were more suitable places for young girls than his castle, where matters went badly enough, and so he at last sent his oldest daughter to us.

You must know that my mistress; on her mother's side, is descended from a family in Normandy. The Marquis d'Avennes was certainly an elegant cavalier, but rather dainty than manly. He was soon madly in love with Fraulein Anna, and asked in due form for her hand. Her excellenza favored the match, and the father said simply: 'You will take him! He would listen to no opposition.

What is to be said? He is crazy and does not know his business. I have seen him, monsieur, filing and forging his instruments and eating black bread with an appetite that I envied him I, who have the best table in Paris. "Yes, Excellenza, in a quarter of an hour you shall know the man I am. I have introduced certain refinements into Italian cookery that will amaze you!

"No consequence, no consequence, Excellenza but the shifted wind is blowing through the slit. Suffer me to escort you on; and then, pardon, but the toiler must to his tools." "It may be foolish, Signor," said the milder magistrate, as, from the third landing, the two now went down unescorted, "but, somehow, our great mechanician moves me strangely.