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At last one said that he had seen them. "The stuff is rather thin, your excellency, but the boots are splendid." We were accosted by a clean-limbed, joyous youth, who bore on his cap the outstretched winged badge of the police. He said "Mister Sirdar, he tell me take you alon' o' Nickshitch."

Of course, there's not a bit of ordnance in The Sahara. I don't recollect seeing a single piece of cannon at the Turkish fortified places of Mourzuk, or Sockna, or Bonjem. 31st. Took a walk to see the Governor. He was very civil, and I begin to think more of his talent. His Excellency was very busy in weighing gold.

The noisy Teutons had devoured their seven francs worth, and the fair bird of passage on their left was left alone, woman-like, dallying with the last sweets and finishing her demi bouteille with true French deliberation. "It's a case of the wolf and the sheep-fold!" "Not that; not at all!" gayly answered Anstruther. "I have a long leave, and I only ran over here to oblige His Excellency."

"I suppose Hartley would tell your Excellency my unhappy state that I am an orphan, deserted by the parents who cast me on the wide world, an outcast about whom nobody knows or cares, except to desire that I should wander far enough, and live obscurely enough, not to disgrace them by their connexion with me."

I felt, therefore, very little scruple in making use of the one weak spot discoverable in the defenses of our redoubtable opponent, his Excellency the President of Aureataland. No doubt the reader's eye has before now detected the joint in that great man's armor at which we directed our missile.

"I know him well, your excellency," was the reply; "and a more selfish man does not exist. He tells the truth, however, when he says that he is entirely dependent on his wife for his happiness; but it was impossible for her to accompany him hither, as she is the most unselfish of women.

Told him of my sudden resolution of abandoning the journey to Soudan the present year. He highly approved of my resolution, and seemed relieved of a great embarrassment, for, although very cautious in what he said, he always considered himself responsible more or less for my safety. I found his Excellency, but not to my surprise, purchasing half a dozen slaves, young lads.

Signor Pastrini turned toward Franz, who seemed to him the more reasonable of the two; we must do him justice, he had had a great many Frenchmen in his house, but had never been able to comprehend them. "Excellency," said he gravely, addressing Franz, "if you look upon me as a liar, it is useless for me to say anything; it was for your interest!"

And he did get fish for breakfast, which was evidently more than His Excellency did, for about sunset the following evening a guide came paddling over with a large, square envelope directed to Mr. "Bobbie." Inside was this note, written in a small, firm hand: "Lord Dunbridge presents his compliments to Mr. 'Bobbie, and thanks him for the enjoyable fish dinner tendered him last evening.

He has not finally abandoned the method of terrorism and frightfulness, but he finds the movement being conducted in such an open and truthful manner that any attempt to kill it by violent repression would not expose him not only to ridicule but contempt of all right-thinking men. Let us however examine the adjectives used by His Excellency to kill the movement by laughing at it.