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Green and by exacting explanations from her daughter. This was a very bad time for Arabella, so bad, that had she known to what she would be driven, she would probably have repudiated the Duke and her mother altogether. "Now, my dear," she began, "you must tell me everything that occurred first at Rufford and then at Mistletoe." "You know very well what occurred, mamma."

There was another force, subtle and exacting: the girl's burgeoning womanhood. Wistful for homage, she craved his gallant tenderness and wanted always to be with him. His frank glance of admiration and his boyish smile were always a tribute. So was his voice, deep, gentle, sonorous as a sweet-toned bell. Tones of it she knew were kept for her alone. The knowledge thrilled her.

These extracts may not quite satisfy the exacting reader, who must be referred to the old folio from which they were taken, where he will receive the following counsel: "If then any Person would know what Mr. Peter Bulkly was, let him read his Judicious and Savory Treatise of the Gospel Covenant, which has passed through several Editions, with much Acceptance among the People of God."

I won't deny that at sea, sometimes, the note of profanity was audible enough in those chiding interpellations a wet, cold, weary seaman addresses to his ship, and in moments of exasperation is disposed to extend to all ships that ever were launched to the whole everlastingly exacting brood that swims in deep waters.

May we not question whether we are not frequently too exacting with children, too much given to fault-finding? Were it not that the business of play is so engrossing to them, and life so fascinating a matter on the whole, were it not for these qualifying circumstances, we should harass many of them into dark cynicism and misanthropy at a very early age.

"Oh, well, John! if you say so, I must, I suppose," said Lillie, with a sigh. "I can have the carpets and furniture all covered, I suppose; it'll be no end of trouble, but I'll try. But I must say, I think all this kind of petting of the working-classes does no sort of good; it only makes them uppish and exacting: you never get any gratitude for it."

The men stood around outside in groups, while many sat in rows on the fences, all conversing about every conceivable topic except religion. They apparently acted on the theory that there would be enough religion to satisfy the most exacting when they went inside. Yates sat on the top rail of the fence with the whittler, whose guest he had been.

He will not speak to strangers himself, or suffer me to do so. It is sometimes oh! it is sometimes very triste!" "Madame has my sympathy," Bernadine assured her. "It is an impossible life this. No husband should be so exacting." She looked at him with her round blue eyes, a touch of added colour in her cheeks. "If one could but cure him!" she murmured.

Was that what she had required of him? She felt as if somehow she had done it; as if her innermost secret self, iniquitously exacting, had thrown down the gage into the arena and that he had picked it up. "He saved others. Himself he" never saved. He had become god-like to her. And the passion she had trampled on lifted itself and passed into the phase of adoration.

She scolded and tyrannized, she mothered and adored the girl to her heart's content; she watched over her like a hawk; she deemed no labor in her service too exacting. It would have gone ill with any one who offered harm to Rosa, for Evangelina was strong and capable; she had the arms and the hands of a man, and she possessed the smoldering black temper of Sebastian, her father.