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But this increasing difficulty of complex evolution is only overcome by some favourably-varying individuals and species not by all. And as the difficulty increases we find neglect and decay of the less-needed faculties as with domesticated animals and civilized men, who lose in one direction while they gain in another.

Each phrase, besides, is to be comely in itself; and between the implication and the evolution of the sentence there should be a satisfying equipoise of sound; for nothing more often disappoints the ear than a sentence solemnly and sonorously prepared, and hastily and weakly finished.

It may be said that the evolutionist writers on ethics seek to base an ethics of evolution upon the evolution of ethics, but that they are not always aware of the real nature and difficulties of their task. Sometimes they seem to think that in tracing the evolution of ethics they are also and at the same time determining and establishing a theory of the ethics of evolution.

The end of evolution is not yet attained: it is to establish, in some future generation, a perfect humanity. For that end we must work; to it we may know that, as a matter of scientific evolution, we are working. On it, we may be satisfied, man will not enter in our generation.

Theological authority not opposed to evolution. St. Augustin. St. Thomas Aquinas. Certain consequences of want of flexibility of mind. Reason and imagination. The first cause and demonstration. Parallel between Christianity and natural theology. What evolution of species is. Professor Agassiz. Innate powers must be recognized. Bearing of evolution on religious belief. Professor Huxley.

The British people, on the contrary, were entering upon a further stage of democratic evolution at home, and, under the influence of new liberal and humanitarian doctrines, their sympathies were going out abroad to every down-trodden nationality that was struggling, whether in Greece or in South America, to throw off the yoke of oppressive despotisms.

That such a gradual evolution would be in accordance with both nature and history we should be the first to admit. But, after all, there is such a thing as retarding or assisting the process of evolution. The valuable maxim that 'things are what they are and their consequences will be what they will be, is after all but half the truth.

It is in this simple way that Merezhkovsky explains the moral evolution which led Tolstoy to make those long and sad studies of a kind of life compatible with the true good of humanity, and forced him to them by "the anguish of the black mystery of death" which, having got possession of the author of "Anna Karenina" in his sixtieth year, in the midst of a life of prosperity, made him hate his fortune and his comfort, which formerly had been so dear to him.

Such being the outlines of these several divisions, let us now consider in detail the subdivisions contained within each. I. Under the head of general mental evolution we may begin with the trait of Mental mass. Daily experiences show us that human beings differ in volume of mental manifestation.

Though Israel was as the sand by the sea-shore, but a remnant was saved. But while we seek to do full justice to the animal, let us not underestimate the vast differences between it and man. The true evolutionist takes no low view of man's present actual attainments; in his possibilities he has a larger faith than that of the disbeliever in evolution.