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The axiom asserts that the rect joining the two event-particles of intersection of the diagonals is parallel to the rect on which the bases lie. By the aid of this axiom it easily follows that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. Congruence is extended in any space beyond parallel rects to all rects by two axioms depending on perpendicularity.

Rectilinear routes are momental routes and stations are vagrant routes. Rectilinear routes are routes which in a sense lie in rects. Any two event-particles on a rect define the set of event-particles which lie between them on that rect.

Let the time-system be named α, and let the moment of time-system α to which our quick perception of nature approximates be called M. Any straight line r in space α is a locus of points and each point is a point-track which is a locus of event-particles.

We fix our attention on one of these moments which is approximated to by the short duration of our immediate experience, and we express position as the position in this moment. In this way planes and straight lines and event-particles themselves find their being.

The character of the spatio-temporal structure of events can be fully expressed in terms of relations between these more abstract event-particles. The advantage of dealing with event-particles is that though they are abstract and complex in respect to the finite events which we directly observe, they are simpler than finite events in respect to their mutual relations.