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"You'd better come in," said Tudor, suppressing a shiver, "unless I'm wanted up at the Abbey." "You're not," said Piers. He stepped into the passage, and impetuously stripped off his heavy coat. Tudor shut the door, and turned round. He surveyed his visitor's evening-dress with a touch of contempt.

This man with the top-hat and the evening-dress, he hadn't suffered how could he understand? They didn't want to remember; with those flaxen-haired children against their breasts the one boon they craved was forgetfulness. And so they cowered and wept softly. It was intolerable. And now the formalities commenced. They all had to be medically examined.

"It's a pity I haven't clothes with me, Brillon; they have a show going there." He had dropped again into the new form of master and man. His voice was cadenced, gentlemanly. Jacques pointed to his own saddle-bag. "No, no, they are not the things needed. I want the evening-dress which cost that cool hundred dollars in New York." Still Jacques was silent.

They comprised the evening-dress of yellow brocaded silk, to which she had devoted herself on the morning when she first assumed her duties at Pisa; a black cloak and hood of an entirely new shape; and an irresistibly fascinating dressing-gown, said to have been first brought into fashion by the princesses of the blood-royal of France.

Though not in actual evening-dress, her costume was that sort of demi-toilet compromise which occasionally is most becoming; and the tasteful lappet of Brussels lace, which, interwoven with her hair, fell down on either side so as to frame her face, softened its expression to a degree of loveliness he was not prepared for.

Sir Stephen was waiting in the hall; and Stafford, with a little thrill of pride, noticed that he looked still more distinguished in his evening-dress, which was strikingly plain; a single pearl but it was priceless one was its only ornament. "By George, you have been quick!" said Sir Stephen, with his genial smile. "That's one for yourself, sir," said Stafford.

Turning to his grandson, there seemed to be a moment's hesitation, then he reached out his hand. "You have brought your luggage? Will you care to dine with us?" Gaston took the cold outstretched fingers. "Only my saddle-bag, and I have no evening-dress with me, else I should be glad."

Both of them were in evening-dress, but they did different things with their napkins, and Antony was the more polite of the two. However, he still liked Bill. So on one of his holidays, when he was unemployed, he arranged an introduction through a mutual friend.

Mrs. James had come up from Sutton to help Carrie; so I could not help thinking it unreasonable that she should require the entire attention of Sarah, the servant, as well. Sarah kept running out of the house to fetch "something for missis," and several times I had, in my full evening-dress, to answer the back-door.

After Gowing left, Lupin came in, and in his anxiety to please Daisy Mutlar, carped at and criticised the arrangements, and, in fact, disapproved of everything, including our having asked our old friend Cummings, who, he said, would look in evening-dress like a green-grocer engaged to wait, and who must not be surprised if Daisy took him for one.