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Oh, by the way," he exclaimed, "the's somethin' I fergot. I want to make you a proposition, ruther an onusual one, but seein' ev'rythin' is as 't is, perhaps you'll consider it." "Dave," declared the widow, "if I could, an' you ast for it, I'd give ye anythin' on the face o' this mortal globe!"

"Wa'al," he went on, "we done the hull programmy gingerbread, lemonade pink lemonade, an' he took some o' that pop corn, peanuts, pep'mint candy, cin'mun candy scat my ! an' he payin' fer ev'rythin' I thought he was jest made o' money!

I'm awful sorry, I says, 'but this mornin' when I come to the egg I didn't see no way to eat it 'cept to peel it, an' fust I knew it kind of exploded and daubed ev'rythin' all over creation.

"Consarn it all!" exclaimed Mr. Harum as they stood leaning against the teller's counter, facing the street, "I didn't cal'late to have Mis' Cullom hoof it up here the way she done. When I see what kind of a day it was I went out to the barn to have the cutter hitched an' send for her, an' I found ev'rythin' topsy-turvy.

"Ef you'd do a few things yourself when they'd oughter be done, p'r'aps the boy'd take example of ye," said Mrs. Day, bitterly. Her husband reached for his pipe that never-failing comforter and made no reply. "Ev'rythin' about the house is goin' to rack an' ruin," pursued the lady, slopping a little water into the dishpan.

An' I 'll run yer errands an' split yer wood, an' I won't take no dogs an' cats in the parlor, an' I'll do ev'rythin' ev'rythin' ye want me to! Oh, golly golly! I'm goin' ter stay I'm goin' ter stay!" And Bobby danced out of the house into the yard there to turn somersault after somersault in hilarious glee. A queer choking feeling came into Ann Wetherby's throat.

They show themselves down to the saloon, to be sure, an' I never seed one of 'em a-waterin. his liquor; but when you've sed that, you've sed ev'rythin'." "Our distinguished friend, speaks truthfully," remarked Nappy Boney, the only Frenchman in camp, and possessing a nickname playfully contracted from the name of the first emperor. "La gloire is nothing to them.

If you vant a more polished sort o' feller, vell and good, have him; but vages or no vages, notice or no notice, board or no board, lodgin' or no lodgin', Sam Veller, as you took from the old inn in the Borough, sticks by you, come what may; and let ev'rythin' and ev'rybody do their wery fiercest, nothin' shall ever perwent it!

Crowbait wa'n't no name fer him. He was stun blind on the off side, an' couldn't see anythin' in pertic'ler on the nigh side couldn't get nigh 'nough, I reckon an' had most ev'rythin' wrong with him that c'd ail a hoss; but I thought he was a thoroughbred.

"When you pay for ev'rythin' you get it'll be time to make fun of somebody else. But, Mr. Price, what I asked you was, what's the price o' them shoes?"