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De Marsay rose, took a handful of banknotes and folded them into his cigar-case, dressed himself, and took advantage of Paul's carriage to repair to the Salon des Etrangers, where until dinner he consumed the time in those exciting alternations of loss and gain which are the last resource of powerful organizations when they are compelled to exercise themselves in the void.

When they were exterminated by the wooden clubs of the Ainu, they raised their eyes to heaven, and, weeping, cried aloud to the gods, "Why were we made so small?" It should be said that Professor Schlegel and Mr. Savage Landor both seem to prefer the former etymology. Les Peuples Etrangers chez les Historiens Chinois. Extrait du T'oung-pao, vol. iv. No. 4.

The records of travellers in the Livre des Etrangers at Modena, had prepared us to expect nothing tolerable at the night halts in our journey through the Apennines to our projected place of séjour during the great heats of summer, the Bagni di Lucca.

Neither Artois nor the Marchesino visited the island during the days that elapsed before the Festa of the Madonna del Carmine. But Artois wrote to tell Hermione that the Marchesino had accepted his invitation, and that he hoped she and Vere would be at the Hotel des Etrangers punctually by eight o'clock on the night of the sixteenth.

'Bon jour, Madame, said Arthur boldly, to a tidy old lady, sitting in her green verandah. 'Nous sommes des étrangers I'd like to ask her what it's all about, he whispered confidentially to Robert; 'but I'm out of my depth already. The aged Canadienne arose, with the politeness so natural to her Gallic descent, and bade them welcome.

And I want to know which hand he uses chiefly, that is, the right or the left?" "Why do you want to know that?" inquired Alice, with a woman's curiosity. "Never mind why, just remember it's important. Another thing is, to ask M. Kittredge about a chest of drawers in his room at the Hôtel des Étrangers.

Hall Standish was always to be seen in this circle; and his own hotel in the Rue le Pelletier was often lighted up, and fetes given to the theatrical and demi-monde. Standish died in Spain, leaving his gallery of pictures to Louis Philippe. Amonst others who visited the Salon des Etrangers were Sir Francis Vincent, Gooch, Green, Ball Hughes, and many others whose names I no longer remember.

We are now about three hundred in number of both sexes, and of all ages and conditions ci-devant noblesse, parents, wives, sisters, and other relations of emigrants priests who have not taken the oaths, merchants and shopkeepers accused of monopoly, nuns, farmers that are said to have concealed their corn, miserable women, with scarcely clothes to cover them, for not going to the constitutional mass, and many only because they happened to be at an inn, or on a visit from their own town, when a general arrest took place of all who are what is called etrangers, that is to say, not foreigners only, but not inhabitants of the town where they are found.

Bal du Sallon des Etrangers, Rue Grange Bateliere. 27. de l'Hotel de Salm, Rue de Lille, Faubourg St. Germain. 28. de la Rue Michaudiere. Soirees amusantes de l'Hotel Longueville, Place du Carrousel. Veillees de la Cite, vis-a-vis le Palais de Justice. Phantasmagorie de Robertson, Cour des Capucines. Concert de Feydeau. Ranelagh au bois de Boulogne. Tivoli, Rue de Clichy, S.

I had previously seen Madame Tallien at the Opera Buffa, and was struck by her appearance before, I knew who she was. On seeing her again at the Salon des Etrangers, I inquired of a French lady of my acquaintance, whose understanding and discernment are pre-eminent, if Madame T had nothing to recommend her but her personal attractions?