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The sower knows not who will reap, thus he limits his crop to his bare necessities. The ethnology of Central Africa is completely beyond my depth. The natives not only are ignorant of writing, but they are without traditions their thoughts are as entirely engrossed by their daily wants as those of animals; thus there is no clue to the distant past; history has no existence.

He will be one of the surviving specimens of a race of people, the Nou-su, whose forgotten historical records would do much to clear up the doubt attaching to Indo-China and Tibet-Burma ethnology.

Without the least desire to depreciate the value of philology as an adjuvant to ethnology, I must venture to doubt, with Rudolphi, Desmoulins, Crawfurd, and others, its title to the leading position claimed for it by the writers whom I have just quoted.

From the facts of ethnology I now turn to the theories and speculations of ethnologists, which have been devised to explain these facts, and to furnish satisfactory answers to the inquiry what conditions have determined the existence of the persistent modifications of mankind, and have caused their distribution to be what it is?

There was but one writer on ethnology distinctly known to the authors, which was Prichard; but that being secured, all the rest came easily enough.

Small as is the tribe of Seris they number only about 200 souls these savages are the most blood-thirsty in North America. For a long time they have terrorized Sonora, but the Mexican Government seems powerless to control them. The tribe was visited recently by an expedition from the Bureau of Ethnology, which has just returned to Washington with some very interesting information. Prof.

Nationality in its weakness has been stronger than ethnology in its strength. Five triumphant races have been absorbed, have been defeated by a defeated nationality. This being the true and strange glory of Ireland, it is impossible to hear without impatience of the attempt so constantly made among her modern sympathizers to talk about Celts and Celticism. Who were the Celts?

To formulate beyond this present vagueness to help line and put before us the species, or a specimen of the species, of the democratic ethnology of the future, is a work toward which the genius of our land, with peculiar encouragement, invites her well-wishers. Already certain limnings, more or less grotesque, more or less fading and watery, have appear'd.

He peopled the hills with anything thev had a mind to slay thar, ibex, or markhor, and bear by Elisha's allowance. He discoursed of botany and ethnology with unimpeachable inaccuracy, and his store of local legends he had been a trusted agent of the State for fifteen years, remember was inexhaustible. 'Decidedly this fellow is an original, said the taller of the two foreigners.

Then another point, relating to American ethnology, past and to come, I will here touch upon at a venture. As to our aboriginal or Indian population the Aztec in the South, and many a tribe in the North and West I know it seems to be agreed that they must gradually dwindle as time rolls on, and in a few generations more leave only a reminiscence, a blank. But I am not at all clear about that.