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Heaven is faithful and will repay. What we do here will find an eternity of reward. Let not, therefore, one day pass you by without your doing something purposely for God. We often meet with those who complain of dryness and deadness in their worship. They are very unlike the Psalmist's picture of the "blessed man."

He visited him early next morning and found him dressed in the best clothes his poor wardrobe could afford, a white shirt and black cravat. He was a fine-looking man in features as well as stature. As Fernando gazed on him he thought, "Dressed for eternity!" The doomed man gave him three letters, which Fernando secreted about his person and subsequently sent to their destination.

To-morrow is the season of rest; working-time is over. 'There is no knowledge nor device in the grave. My life also will soon be swallowed up in eternity; soon the space allotted me for diligence, for labor, will be over. Soon will the grand question be asked, 'What hast thou done? Give an account of thy stewardship. Didst thou use thy working days to the end for which they were given?

He knows His own business, and forbids you to thwart His designs. If the sufferer be virtuous, God has an eternity to reward his patient endurance; if guilty, the Lord often punishes in this world that He may spare in the next. Let Him have His way, if you are wise; His command to all is clear, "Thou shalt not kill."

And then stole in a deeper sense of loneliness than exile and foreign tongues had taught him, the knowledge of being single and solitary in the world, not only for life, but for eternity.

No damage can you do to our sails! Satan has charmed them, they will not rend in all eternity!" The Norwegian sailors, suspending their own clamour, have looked and listened in an increasing wonder, which gradually turns to horror.

But I think that I have shown with sufficient clearness that from the supreme power of God, or from His infinite nature, infinite things in infinite ways, that is to say, all things, have necessarily flowed, or continually follow by the same necessity, in the same way as it follows from the nature of a triangle, from eternity and to eternity, that its three angles are equal to two right angles.

Eternity has passed on. It must be beyond the Judgment Day itself. Ten minutes to 6. When the bell does ring I am beyond feeling any emotion. There is no part of me with which to feel emotion. I am all feet, and feet either do not feel at all or feel all weary unto death. During the summer I had played one match in a tennis tournament 7-5, 5-7, 13-11.

Many indeed may be unable to believe that this object is capable of gathering round it feelings sufficiently strong; but this is exactly the point on which a doubt can hardly remain in an intelligent reader of M. Comte: and we join with him in contemning, as equally irrational and mean, the conception of human nature as incapable of giving its love, and devoting its existence, to any object which cannot afford in exchange an eternity of personal enjoyment."

Here is a little child, residing in the purlieus of the city some boy who is taught that it is his duty to steal by his mother, who applauds his success and pats him on the head and calls him a good boy would it be just to condemn him to an eternity of torture? Suppose there is a God; let us bring to this question some common sense.