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The United States government wished me to state how many sons and daughters I had and whether my sons were males and my daughters females. There were other questions of a like nature, but these are all I can recall at present. Halfway through the schedule I was in a high state of irritation. The census enumerator's visit in itself I do not consider a nuisance.

Speaking of white bachelor quarters, therein lay the enumerator's greatest problem. The Spaniard or the Jamaican is in nine cases out of ten fluently familiar with his companion's antecedents and pedigree. He can generally furnish all the information the census department calls for. But it is quite otherwise with the American bachelor.

To secure anything like a complete census, this point must be watched continuously; and meantime birds are streaming in at the other corner and shooting over the distracted enumerator's head, and perhaps dropping out of the sky. I conclude, therefore, not that the roost had increased in population, but that my last year's reckoning was even more inadequate than I then supposed.

Deliberate frauds were very few; where trouble was found it was usually discovered to have been due to the unauthorized activity of committees of boards of trade or other commercial organizations, giving lists of names all ready to be copied on the enumerator's schedule, which the latter did not take the time and trouble to verify."

"I'm coming to that," the supervisor replied. "Two or three days later he came into my office. "'I understand Wurtzi has secured the enumerator's job? he said. "'Yes, I answered, 'it was a pretty close thing between you so I sent the papers to Washington to decide, and the Director ruled that the other was more satisfactory. The schoolmaster laughed and sat down.