United States or Montserrat ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

These entries also embrace all the leading monthly and quarterly magazines and reviews, with many devoted to specialties as metaphysics, sociology, law, theology, art, finance, education, and the arts and sciences generally. Much of this property is valuable, and it is nearly all protected by entry of copyright, coming from all parts of the Union.

"Comte de Plougastel, Hotel Plougastel, Rue du Paradis. Is that it?" "That is correct, monsieur," she answered, with what civility she could muster before the fellow's affronting rudeness. There was a long moment of silence, during which he studied certain pencilled entries against the name. The sections had been working in the last few weeks much more systematically than was generally suspected.

In the evenings they would sit around the cleared supper table, she doing odd jobs of mending, Martin reading, checking up the interest dates on his mortgages or making entries in his account book, while Bill at his books, would study to the accompaniment of record after record, blissfully unconscious of what a thorn in the flesh he and his music were to both his parents.

June First. I began this journal last New Year's wrote two entries in it and then forgot all about it. I came across it today in a rummage Sara insists on my cleaning things out thoroughly every once in so long and I'm going to keep it up. I feel the need of a confidant of some kind, even if it is only an inanimate journal. I have no other.

The English Government lets its people go on calmly trusting to the myth that instead of six U-boats sunk there are a hundred at the bottom of the sea. It conceals from the world also the true course of the entries and departures of tonnage in British ports since the commencement of unrestricted submarine warfare.

Still, when one came to think of it, the brown colour was very like the seaweed, and among that jumble of boulders such a thing might readily have happened. But certainly it had fallen out before the body was thrown into the sea, as its condition proved. I glanced through the entries till I came to the very last the poor man had made; and then I sat up and opened my eyes very wide indeed.

As long as there was an orderly sovereign, such as Henry II. the unlimited power of the Crown was tolerable; under a reckless, impetuous prince like Coeur de Lion, it was a grievance; and, in a tyrant such as John Lackland, it became past endurance. His fines were outrageous extortion, and here and there the entries in the accounts show the base, wanton bribery in his court.

The entries and bets are made for the morrow's races, although not much betting takes place as a rule; but the lotteries on the different races are rapidly filled, the dice circulate cheerily, and amid laughing, joking, smoking, noise, and excitement, there is a good deal of mild speculation.

Meanwhile his project of retiring to a distance of twenty minutes from Paris society did not hinder him from occasionally putting in an appearance at one or another of the aristocratic houses where he had his entries, among them that of Madame de Castries, whom he continued to see, although she confined her worship to his talent, and merely patronized the man.

Statements of profits had been swelled by arbitrary entries in the books and nearly six million dollars which had not been earned had been paid out in dividends. Furthermore the company had endorsed the notes of certain subsidiary roads to the extent of over five million dollars, and had made no record whatever of this action for the stockholders.