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Sit by the side of the God, and remind him of this, and entreat him, Grasping his knees, if perchance it may please him to succour the Trojans, Granting them back on the galleys to trample the sons of Achaia, Scatter'd in dread, till they all have contentment enough of their Captain Yea, till Atreides himself, Agamemnon, the chief in dominion, Rues the infatuate pride that dishonour'd the best of Achaians."

I have written to my uncle, who has been a true father to me, and would be loth to part from me for his own sake as well as mine but I know not whether he will be able to prevail; and I entreat of you, reverend sir, to add your persuasions, for I well know that it would be my perdition to remain bound where I am. Commend me to Mrs. Woodford and Mistress Anne.

Then turning to the mutineers, he shouted out, "You men who are about to attack us, if you have any sense left in you, I entreat you for your own sakes to assist in extinguishing the fire." "Ay, ay, sir," cried the boatswain; and then addressing his own party, he exclaimed, "There's sense in what the doctor says. Let's put the fire out first, and settle our differences afterwards."

Glowry asked of himself, for rage and wonder were concentrated in the Major's open mouth, as he read this astounding announcement. "Do, my dear friend," the grief-stricken lady went on, "come to me instantly on the receipt of this; and, as Arthur's guardian, entreat, command, the wretched child to give up this most deplorable resolution."

"The nonsense and folly of people's stepping out of their rank and trying to appear above themselves, makes me think it right to give you a hint, Fanny, now that you are going into company without any of us; and I do beseech and entreat you not to be putting yourself forward, and talking and giving your opinion as if you were one of your cousins as if you were dear Mrs. Rushworth or Julia.

They began to preach, to remonstrate, to warn, entreat, and rebuke until their voices sounded like the roar of many waters in the ears of the people. Wherever there was a school-house, a hall, or a church, there they were, ubiquitous, irrepressible, a cry in the wilderness of a nation's iniquity.

There is an omission of one or more words in almost every sentence. At least I entreat you to read over your letters before you seal them: some clauses are absolutely unintelligible, though in several I can guess what word you intended. Why are you still in town? I am very much dissatisfied with it; for Mr. Strong writes me that the fever is in Partition-street.

The same spirit exists at the present day; and as he can become an angel of light in appearance, so may those men who thus blasphemously take the name of priests appear pure and holy in the sight of those whom they deceive. Let me entreat you, my beloved Clara, to break from the chains which have been thrown around you. Seek for grace and strength from above, and consult my kind father.

"My sweet girl, you are so wretched, and so unlike yourself, in this place, that I entreat you to leave it. Come with me to London, and let me make you safe and happy as my wife." "Oh, Mr. Roylake!" "Why do you call me, 'Mr Roylake'? Have I done anything to offend you? There seems to be some estrangement between us. Do you believe that I love you?" "I wish I could doubt it!" she answered. "Why?"

But," he continued, "there are only two men living to whom I could entrust my brother's last words to me. One, your own good father, is out of reach; the other has frequently proffered his good offices and has been rejected. Would you add to your kindness that of writing to entreat my old friend, Dr. Godfrey, to favour with a visit one who has too often and ungratefully refused him admission."