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He sprang towards her like a bird of prey, tore away the shawl, and tried to take her in his arms. The dying man sought for words to express the wish that was consuming his strength; but no sounds would come except the choking death-rattle in his chest. Each breath he drew sounded hollower than the last, and seemed to come from his very entrails.

The "Marseillaise" filled the atmosphere as if blown through enormous trumpets by giant mouths, which cast it, vibrating with a brazen clang, into every corner of the valley. The slumbering country-side awoke with a start quivering like a beaten drum resonant to its very entrails, and repeating with each and every echo the passionate notes of the national song.

And after invoking against these demons, likewise, the spirits of heaven and earth, the text passes on to an enumeration of a long list of physical ills: sickness of the entrails, of the heart, of the head, of the stomach, of the kidneys, of the limbs and muscles, of the skin, and of the senses, which are all ascribed to the influence of the demons.

She separates with her teeth the rope on the gibbet, and tears away the murderer from the cross on which he hung suspended. She applies to her purposes the entrails withered with the wind, and the marrow that had been dried by the sun.

So she sang the following verses to a lively air: By him whose hand possesses the reins of my affair, On passion's score, I swear it, my enviers I'll dare. Yea, I will vex my censors and thee alone obey And sleep and ease and solace, for thy sweet sake, forswear And dig midmost my entrails, to hold the love of thee, A grave, of which not even my heart shall be aware.

Francis the Church possessed an ever victorious army a wandering army which spread over the roads, in the villages and through the towns, penetrating to the firesides of artisan and peasant, and gaining possession of all simple hearts. How great the democratic power of such an Order which had sprung from the very entrails of the people!

The walls had dripped with human gore. Death-groans of victims slain by the priestly knife resounded in its hollow entrails. Such had been the legend in the days of those monkish chroniclers in whose credulous pages Monsignor Perrelli, incredulous himself, had discovered a mine of curious information. Then came the Good Duke Alfred.

Thus impelled, Captain Dalgetty could only for a short space keep a reverted eye towards the galley in which he had left the partner of his military toils. In a few minutes afterwards he found himself involved in the total darkness of a staircase, which, entering from the low-browed cavern we have mentioned, winded upwards through the entrails of the living rock.

Till now the scene had passed uninterrupted by a single word. "Nothing," I replied: "begone, infernal witch! and leave me to myself." "Leave you! No: I will thrust my fingers through your ribs, and drink your blood! You conquer me? Ha, ha! Yes, yes; you shall! I will sit upon you, and press you to hell! I will roast you with brimstone, and dash your entrails into your eyes! Ha, ha! ha!"

We had not been employed there very long when there was a cry from the deck that the ship was surrounded by sharks. It seems that the butcher had killed a sheep, whose entrails, having been thrown overboard, attracted these fearful brutes round the ship in great numbers.