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She remembered that Brigham sat with four of his wives in one of the boxes, enthusiastically applauding that portrayal of a single love. As the picture came back to her now, there seemed to have been something incongruous in this spectacle.

Among her statues are "Amleto," "The Sulamite Woman," and "Sappho." The last was enthusiastically received in Paris in 1878, and is the work which gained the prize at Florence, where it was said to be the gem of the exhibition.

"By George, Terry," exclaimed Jim enthusiastically, "did you ever see such a plucky fight? Why, the school-ship has given the Huascar a thoroughly nasty mauling! I expect the Peruvians feel more than a bit sore at seeing the ship which used to be the pride of their fleet in Chilian hands.

And not content with this, he did not limit his sycophancy to Valentina, but sought also by a smiling persistence to ingratiate himself with Francesco. No voice in Roccaleone not even that of the bully Ercole was raised more often or more enthusiastically to praise and glorify their Provost.

Mrs. Johnson agreed enthusiastically with Peter. "I call it just sweet. You should see it on a Sunday, Mr. Margerison Mr. Peter, as I should say, shouldn't I? all the flags flying, and the sun shining on the gilt front an' all, and the band playing in the square; an' inside half a dozen services all at once, and the incense floatin' everywhere.

He was also somewhat assisted, and, at times, not a little retarded, by his ardent admirer Peter Pax, who joined him enthusiastically in his studies, but, being of a discursive and enterprising spirit, was prone to tempt him off the beaten paths of learning into the thickets of speculative philosophy. One evening Pax was poring over a problem in Euclid with his friend in Pegaway Hall.

"Trogons! Yes, you said they were trogons." "Trogon resplendens. Those long-tailed feathers are fitly named, Nat, for they are splendid indeed." "Glorious!" I cried enthusiastically; and though we worked for some time longer my help was very poor, on account of the number of times I kept turning to the splendid trogons to examine their beauties again and again.

Horsley, the lay preacher's wife, through the door of the Mission Room, in which, with the others, they were both working at the decorations, to view the sky. "Look at it, my dear!" she cried enthusiastically. "Was there ever a better omen for the poor dear? Not a cloud anywhere. Not one. And it's deep blue, too; none of your steel blues, or one of them fady blues running to white.

'Yes; but not so much as Shelley and Keats, said Alice enthusiastically, forgetting for the moment her aversion to the speaker in the allusion to her favourite pursuit. 'The study of Shelley is the fashion of the day. You know, I suppose, the little piece entitled Love's Philosophy "The fountains mingle with the river; the river with the ocean."

It was a sight worth seeing, and young Marston sat down on a rock, deliberately and enthusiastically, to gloat over it. But perhaps the most remarkable part of it has not yet been referred to. There was yet another heart there that was glad exceeding glad that day. It was a little one too, but it was big for the body that held it.