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The great weakness and inability to voluntary motions, with the insensibility of the extremities, are owing to the general quiescence of the whole moving system; or, perhaps, simply to the deficient production of sensorial power. If all these symptoms are further increased, the quiescence of all the muscles, including the heart and arteries, becomes complete, and death ensues.

The Honourable Giles Henderson of Kingston has.. 440 The Honourable Humphrey Crewe of Leith has.... 336 The Honourable Adam B. Hunt of Edmundton has... 255 And there are three votes besides improperly made out! What the newspapers call indescribable excitement ensues.

Civilized man is really in auto-captivity. He is subjected to innumerable stimulations, but custom and convention frequently prevent physical action. When these stimulations are sufficiently strong but no action ensues, the reaction constitutes an emotion.

On the other hand, when this pain, of which I am now speaking, begins, our Lord seems to lay hold of the soul, and to throw it into a trance, so that there is no time for me to have any sense of pain or suffering, because fruition ensues at once. May He be blessed for ever, who hath bestowed such great graces on one who has responded so ill to blessings so great! Ch. xl.

The gods inhaled the odor, The gods inhaled the sweet odor, The gods gathered like flies around the sacrificer. A solemn scene ensues. Ishtar, the 'mistress of the gods, swears by the necklace given to her by her father, Anu, that she will never forget these days.

She did breathe, her heart did beat, she required some bodily heat, and the various other functions of her organism could not have been maintained without the expenditure of matter of some kind. During abstinence from food the body itself is consumed for these purposes, and there being no renovation, no supplies from without, it loses weight with every instant of time until death finally ensues.

'Well, unless I am disturbing you, I will remain here, says Paul, 'there are some letters I must write, and going to the table he proceeds to hunt for paper and pens; Lippa goes on reading her book, and a silence of a few minutes ensues. Then he says, 'What wretched pens you do keep

With this send-off there ensues a wild chase and a hustle, pell-mell, higgledy-piggledy, each party striving to bowl the piece over the other's goal. These goals are several hundred yards apart. II, p. 433. The squaws assist in the performance by beating drums and keeping up a monotonous chant."

A third element in the suffering must briefly be mentioned. It results directly from the others. It is that exhaustion of nervous power which invariably ensues on protracted pain of mind or body. It proceeds beyond reaction to collapse in a hopeless case; it stops this side of that in a salvable one.

And our orders, in fact, were never to be seen at Labrador. This regulation I conformed to; but behold, one fine day, a schooner from our local station at St. Pierre Miquelon casts anchor alongside of me, and the following colloquy ensues between the lieutenant in command and myself: "Where are you going ?" "To Labrador." "But you know the state of things.