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To put this matter on a proper basis, he drew up an enlistment paper as follows: "We, whose names are signed below, volunteer to go with Samuel Hardwicke and under his command, on the expedition which he is about beginning.

News of Washington's abandonment of the island of New York and retreat into Westchester, pursued by Howe's army, of the capture of Fort Washington and its garrison, of the evacuation of Fort Lee, of the steady dwindling of the Continental Army by the expiration of the terms of enlistment, and still more by wholesale desertions, reached the little community in various forms.

He was at the battle of Manassas, and participated in the Peninsular campaign. At the reorganization of the regiment at the expiration of the term of enlistment, his failing health forced him to decline a re-election as Colonel.

No sooner was it known that he was coming to aid them with his unsurpassed bravery and his unrivalled genius than they took heart and held out against the Turkish and Egyptian foes to whom they had just before been inclined to yield. And his enlistment in their cause had another effect, of which they themselves were ignorant.

A certain light in her eyes had, at last, brought conviction to his soul. He began to fear with a mighty pain that she would not retreat from the stand she had taken. She went on board with Mrs. Harbin and Ethel. There were other wives on board who had found temporary release from irksome but voluntary enlistment.

I know Hawley, and do not think he would object. What is your regiment?" "Seventh Cavalry." "Oh, yes, just organized; before that?" "The Third." "I see you are a non-com corporal?" "Sergeant, sir, since my transfer." "Second enlistment?" "No, first in the regulars the Seventh was picked from other commands." "I understand. You say first in the regulars. Does that mean you saw volunteer service?"

The two real spies on reaching Princeton were seized by the mutineers and afterwards delivered up to General Wayne who had them tried and executed on the 10th. All who had enlisted for three years or during the war were to be discharged, and in cases where the terms of enlistment could not be produced the oath of the soldier was to be received as evidence on the point.

He commanded the Third during the term of its first enlistment, and carried it through the first twelve months' campaign in Virginia. At the reorganization of the regiment, the men composing it being almost wholly young men, desired new blood at the head of the volunteer service, and elected Captain James D. Nance in his stead.

He had always felt that it would be a tug to say good-bye, yet he, too, his mind over-seas, had gone away to town with hardly a thought. He had time to reflect in that dreary fortnight at the Presidio when the unseasonable rains drenched his tent, and the wretched routine of beans and coffee hurt the romance of enlistment. The life had its compensating features.

This was a judicious and wise measure, because it doubtless secured the services of a very large portion of the men who had almost completed a three-years enlistment, and were therefore veteran soldiers in feeling and in habit. But to furlough so many of our men at that instant of time was like disbanding an army in the very midst of battle.