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They have sent out messengers again, since those sent throughout Granthistan returned without promises of help, and are seeking to enlist Abd-ur-Rashid Khan of Ethiopia, promising him the city of Shah Bagh, which is to him as the apple of his eye, if he will invade Granthistan from the north when the rising begins.

He had talked again of his future, and had recorded his ambition to procure the appointment of naturalist to a Government Surveying Expedition. She had even jocularly proposed to dress herself in man's attire and "enlist" as his assistant. "But you will be safe with your friends, I hope, by that time," responded Low. "Safe with my friends," she repeated in a lower voice.

"Me in a tin derby potting Fritzies! And there’s Heinie, too, and Pick-em-up Joe the whole bunch sewed up in this here trench, oh my God!" I went over to him and stood leaning against the parapet beside him. "Duck," I said, amazed, "how did you come to enlist in the Foreign Legion?" "Aw," he replied with infinite disgust, "I got drunk." "Where?"

To secure supplies, Congress was driven to authorize seizure and impressment of food and payment in certificates of indebtedness. It was for this reason, as well as from the unwillingness of the Americans to enlist for the war, that the Continental forces dwindled to diminutive numbers in 1781.

We must surround employment with assurance of just division of production. We must enlist the interest and confidence of the employees in the business and in business processes. We have devoted ourselves for many years to the intense improvement of the machinery and processes of production.

Doctor Whitehouse, electrician for the Atlantic Company, conducted some experiments of his own and questioned the accuracy of Thomson's statements. Thomson maintained his position so ably, and proved himself so thoroughly a master of the subject that Field and his associates decided to enlist him in the enterprise. This addition to the forces was one of the utmost importance.

It is for you, Theodore, to enlist their interests; hold to that; go not beyond it. All is said in the way of doctrine; let no one add one iota. Why does Cameron, that little Gascon pastor, presume to write of it?"

The ties of blood which had bound him to his home were broken; the world was all before him, and he must make his way in it alone. The life of a common sailor in a government ship he found to be something different from what he had imagined, when, acting under a momentary excitement, he was so mad as to enlist in the service.

The Stable had from the start kept its eye on the Rutlandshire Handicap, and no sooner was Goodwood over than the commission was placed in the hands of Barney's, well known for their power to enlist at the most appropriate moment the sympathy of the public in a horse's favour.

"I am not sleep-bound, your Honour, and therefore I had the mind to pass another hour aloft." "And why are you, who have two night-watches to keep already, so willing to enlist in a third?" "To own the truth, sir, my mind has been a little misgiving about this passage, since the moment we lifted our anchor."