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"Oh, yes; I promise," answered the butterfly; "for even as your slave I will get some enjoyment out of life, while should you kill me that is the end of everything!" "Truly," said the mandarin, "butterflies have no souls, and therefore cannot live again." "But I have enjoyed three lives already," returned the butterfly, with some pride.

O'Leary made no objection; and as Miss Bingham could not bear any delay, in her anxiety to join her mother, we set out at once the only thing to mar my full enjoyment at the moment being the sight of the identical vestments I had so lately figured in, bobbing up and down before my eyes for the whole length of the stage, and leading to innumerable mischievous allusions from my friend Mr.

"It can hardly be called a race," I answered quietly, "for you swim so much better than I, but I will do my best." I followed her into the water with every appearance of enjoyment, and exerted every ounce of my strength to try to keep up with her rush through the waves.

At last, on January 19, 1343, a truce for nearly four years was signed at Malestroit, midway between Ploermel and Vannes, "in reverence of mother church, for the honour of the cardinals, and that the parties shall be able to declare their reasons before the pope, not for the purpose of rendering a judicial decision, but in order to make a better peace and treaty". Scotland and the Netherlands were included in the truce, and it was agreed that each belligerent should continue in the enjoyment of the territories which he held at the moment.

The tall back of the chair hid her from view, the fire and the book were soothing, and the excuse that the storm gave her the right to do what she wanted to do, rather than what she, otherwise, might feel she should do added to her enjoyment. From above she heard the voices of the children and Mary's quiet intervention now and again.

It is said that the delights of pleasures in anticipation exceed the pleasures themselves: in this case doubtless some months of great enjoyment passed in making plans of every description, until I at length arrived in Colombo, Ceylon's seaport capital. I never experienced greater disappointment in an expectation than on my first view of Colombo.

She at last was kind enough to open the gate; and thither I led the grey and then across a plank bridge beyond, previously hidden from sight. We scraped the mud off the saddles under a running fire of witty comments from the train. I knew the whole thing had given them so much enjoyment that I bore them no illwill. I could see their point of view so well, it must have been such fun to watch!

You are very much mistaken in your estimate of the character of a Virginian, if you suppose he allows himself, or his horses, to be driven post-haste, when there is no urgent necessity for it. It is altogether different with a Yankee; there is no enjoyment for him from the time he starts on a journey until he reaches the end of it.

At the same time I am glad that the court and the city can delude themselves into thinking that they have a species of enjoyment handy. The inhabitant of a large city is to be accounted happy in this respect, because so much that is of importance in other lands is attracted thither. You have made a point-blank shot at Alfieri. He is more remarkable than enjoyable.

All this and a great deal more he told us, not only with the utmost brilliancy and enjoyment, but with a certain vivacious candour speaking of himself as if he were not at all his own affair, as if Skimpole were a third person, as if he knew that Skimpole had his singularities but still had his claims too, which were the general business of the community and must not be slighted.