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Not that mental activity which is spontaneous and enjoyable does the mischief; but that which is persevered in after a hot or aching head commands desistance. Not that bodily exertion which is pleasant or indifferent, does injury; but that which is continued when exhaustion forbids. It is true that, in those who have long led unhealthy lives, the sensations are not trustworthy guides.

This is perhaps the most trying part of the afternoon's sport, but a young man of correct breeding and good taste will always remember the respect due an older man, and will not make the vulgar error of telling his employer for God's sake shut up before he gets a brassie in his ear. A wife playing with her husband should do everything in her power to make the game enjoyable for the latter.

We have a solemn enjoyable way of lingering on a case. We treat law as a fine art, and relish and digest a good distinction. There is no hurry: point after point must be rightly examined and reduced to principle; judge after judge must utter forth his obiter dicta to delighted brethren.

"Nothing surely can be devised, even in this pleasure-ingenious society, so enjoyable as I have found our evening sail." "Why do you go to the party at all then?" asked Gerald, abruptly. "It isn't compulsory, is it? After you land me, are you not at liberty to row off if you prefer?" "Ah, but I don't prefer," Halloway said gayly, resuming his oars.

Oncle Jazon chuckled reminiscently and scratched the skinless, cicatrized spot where his scalp had once flourished. "Oh, several places," he answered. "Ye see thet hair a hangin' there on the wall?" He pointed at a dry wisp dangling under a peg in a log barely visible by the bad light. "Well, thet's my scalp, he! he! he!" He snickered as if the fact were a most enjoyable joke.

No, I was not impatient. I lounged between the mantelpiece and the window, not even consciously waiting for the table to be cleared. It was ten to one that before my landlady's daughter was done I would pick up a book and sit down with it all the morning in a spirit of enjoyable indolence. I affirm it with assurance, and I don't even know now what were the books then lying about the room.

They both visited Mr and Mrs Frank Murray at their pretty bungalow at Parang, where Rachel was settled down so long as her father retained his post at the residency; but their most enjoyable visits were, as years went by, to their friend the sultan, who was fast improving the country, and encouraging his people to become more commercial, in place of the arrant pirates they had been.

Then, with the air of a combatant: "We will challenge him; that is all, for his lack of honor. I take it upon myself, as well as to tell of his deeds to Boleslas. We will spend an enjoyable quarter of an hour there, I promise you." "You will not do that," said Dorsenne, quickly. "First, with regard to official honor, there is only one law, is there not?

If I did I should go nowhere; but my total life would be less enjoyable. If ever you do get married, Bell, you should remember that." "I mean to get married some day, so that I shouldn't be made love to any longer." "I hope it will have that effect," said the father. "Mr. Boncassen!" ejaculated the mother. "What I say is true. I hope it will have that effect. It had with you, my dear."

As for him, he was very restless under Polly's displeasure, and finally apologized, on which Polly gave him a sound scolding, which, to my surprise, he took in the utmost good part, and we were all once more the best possible friends. That visit to London was an era in my life. It certainly was most enjoyable, and it did me a world of good, body and mind.