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She was the essence of kindliness, of sympathy, of loyalty to her friends, but she was determined to a degree. She saw always with her own eyes, and would go the way she saw. Had she not warned her herself before? Had she not endeavored to persuade her a dozen times? It was all quite useless. Kate was something of an enigma, a contradiction.

And it was to be observed that the almost febrile gaiety which distinguished her manner this evening had been as apparent when she first entered the drawing- room as it was now. This was a physiological or psychological enigma, extremely interesting to Mr. Carrington. He was not slow to find a solution that was, in his opinion, sufficiently satisfactory.

Reginald stretched his hand for the privileged flower, and she let him take it; then she looked at the General; but the General was looking, with his usual air of satisfaction, nowhere. 'Lady Camper is no common enigma, General Ople observed to his daughter.

You don't sacrifice to it the best young brain of the nation, as we are perpetually doing. Ah, mon Dieu! he broke out in a kind of despair, 'this enigma of art! of the artist! One flounders and blunders along. I have been floundering and blundering with the rest, playing tricks following this man and that till suddenly a door opens and one sees the real world through for the first time!

After five days, where are we, Mr. Fowler? In the dark, plus a brigand's hat and hair. But there's a queer belief in some parts of England that a phosphorescent gleam shows at night over a deep pool in which a dead body lies. That's just how I feel about Siddle. The man's an enigma. What sort of place is Steynholme for a chemist of his capacities? Dr.

I had seen him; but he was still an enigma and a marvel. The living face did not expound the past, any more than the portrait portended the future. He was still a mystery and a vision; and thinking of these things I fell asleep.

Then she came and laid her sunny head upon the old man's shoulder and cried a little, and said that they two were all alone in the world now; and he comforted her in the best fashion that he could. It was a curious thing that they neither of them thought much of Jess when they talked thus of being alone. Jess was an enigma, a thing apart even from them.

Both of them had genius enough and wit enough to do without any such expedient, even for the amusement of those persons who look more to the laugh to be got out of a book than to what is admirable in it. Rabelais especially is incomprehensible. His book is an enigma, one may say inexplicable.

Let it be borne in mind that the Law flows from the Word, and not vice versa, and you have got the clue to the enigma of Life. How far we shall be able to make practical use of this clue depends, of course, on our acceptance of its principle. The Directing Power of the Word is inherent in the Word, and we cannot alter it.

Then the boom of the gun came floating down to the ears of the watchers. "A four-inch, by the sound of it," remarked Mildmay. "And shotted, too. Clearly, the fellow is in earnest, whoever he may be. Now, what the dickens is the explanation of this enigma? And what is the nationality of the craft?" "Can't you tell by the build of her?" demanded Lethbridge.