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It wasn't my first night in the cab, as it won't be the last, by many, I hope." "Why? Do you like it?" "Not particularly. But I hope to live a while longer; and while I live I shall doubtless have to ride with the enginemen now and then." "Was it very bad last night?" she asked. "I am afraid you know it was. Could you sleep at all?"

"Goodloe reports it from Little Butte; says both enginemen are in the mix-up, but he doesn't know whether they are killed or not." "There you are!" snarled McCloskey, wheeling upon Lidgerwood. "They couldn't let you get your chair warmed the first day!"

Hence, when he entered the roundhouse, industrious silence supplanted the discussion of the superintendent's case. Glancing at the group of enginemen, and snapping out a curt criticism of Broadbent's slowness on the valve-seats, he beckoned to Judson.

The enginemen of the special had not understood their signal, and had thrown out a fusee to warn them of his presence immediately in front of them. "I'll have to set you aboard, Rod," shouted Truman Stump, and the young fireman knew what he meant.

For months you have neglected your office, and have worked and schemed and conspired to get trainmen and enginemen to quit work and go to war. Every day women who are not ready to be widowed come here and cry on the carpet because their husbands are going away with 'Captain' Jewett's company.

He talked to the trainmen who came in to register, to enginemen waiting for orders, to yardmen in the yards, and to shopmen after hours; and many of them, catching the contagion, urged him to organize a company, and he did. He continued to work days and to drill his men in the twilight. He would have been up and drilling at dawn if he could have gotten them together.