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"But I'm a modest man; besides, I didn't do very much, and his Highness seemed quite capable of taking care of himself." I saw a queer glint in his eyes, and I guessed then that the attempt on the life of the Grand Duke had been engineered by the police themselves, and not, as I had first imagined, by the revolutionists. My antagonist waved his hand with an airy gesture of protestation.

He had and he engineered that mock death and funeral so that he could disappear, and he paid us who helped him generously, as I've told you. The thing couldn't have been better done. When it was done, the nephew disappeared; the doctor disappeared; Chamberlayne disappeared. I had bad luck to tell you the truth, I was struck off the rolls for a technical offence. So I changed my name and became Mr.

And all this grotesqueness, all this dilapidation, was shot through by specimens of individual finery, by officers who had brought back resplendent uniforms from beyond seas, by heroines who had engineered themselves and their belongings across the Potomac. For women's shoes see Av. Lys. 417. Of all this the scholar found nothing in the records of the Peloponnesian war.

The window was snibbed, but that was done after the chap who sent your pal to Kingdom Come had got out." "Do you mean to say that the window was locked from the outside?" asked Braddock, and then, when Hervey nodded, he exclaimed "Impossible!" "Narry an impossibility, you bet. The chap who engineered the circus was all-fired smart.

Sometimes she fails in judgment, according to the standards of others, but in right intentions never, nor in faithfulness to her friends.... After attending a two days' convention in Newport, engineered by her in her own fashion, I am obliged to accept the most favorable interpretation of her which prevails generally, rather than that of Boston. Mrs.

Further, the road was so engineered as not to lead in a straight line from the outer main gates to the inner ones, but rather so as to pursue a circuitous course. Thus the enemy in passing through from the one to the other were exposed as long as possible to the shots and projectiles of the defenders, who were stationed all round the walls and towers flanking the advanced tambour.

The "insurrection" had been engineered by Albania's enemies for the express purpose, among others, of giving a door by which the Greeks could enter. Not until the Greeks began the wholesale destruction of Moslems and their villages, accompanied by every kind of atrocity, did the luckless Moslems of Tirana realize how they had been tricked. On July 13th I went at Mr.

Hamlin, obsessed with the belief that whatever had occurred had been engineered by Dupont, and recalling the fact that the man was once a ranchman somewhere to the southward, jumped to the conclusion that the fellow would naturally head in that direction, seeking familiar country in which to hide.

Jean came out, also starched and radiant, kissed her guests, piled some wraps into the waiting motor, and engineered the group into the shaded dining-room, where the excited children were somehow to be coaxed into eating their luncheon. Sidney came in late, to smile at them all from the top of the table.

She was known in Crakau as Paula, and she was wanted by the police. I engineered my next meeting with Mlle. Valon to be alone. After presenting her with a box of perfumes, I said abruptly: "This is a change from Crakau, Paula." It is always wise to smash right out, and not to put the other on guard through leading questions, and the trick had the desired effect. She recoiled.