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Personally, stuffed blue-and-gold Apollos don't interest me in the least. Come along to bed. I'm dead tired," and she dragged Lorraine away. But instead of sleeping, the acress lay silently watching a star that shone in at her window, and thinking a little sadly about the man nature had chosen to endow so bountifully. In a few weeks she would be thirty-two and he was twenty-four.

All his deepening and sharpening has dug a pit of folly and we are brought up necessarily in "darkness." But Herr Duehring troubles himself very little about that. He says right on the next page, with considerable audacity that he has been able to endow the self contained stability with real significance by means of the properties of matter and the mechanical forces.

Bessy, reading encouragement in her silence, returned her hand-clasp with an affectionate pressure. "You would like that, Justine?" she said, secretly proud of having hit on the convincing argument. "To endow hospitals with your cousin's money? No; I should want something much more exciting!" Bessy's face kindled. "You mean travelling abroad and I suppose New York in winter?"

In such a period the fables which endow beasts with human attributes first grew up; and we luckily read them so early as never to become suspicious of any absurdity in them. The Finnic epos of "Kalewala" is a curious illustration of the same fact. In that every thing has the affections, passions, and consciousness of men. When the mother of Lemminkaeinen is seeking her lost son,

God wot, who among us have not taken some oath at law for which they have deemed it meet afterwards to do a penance, or endow a convent? The wisest means to strengthen Harold against that oath, is to show the moral impossibility of fulfilling it, by placing him on the throne.

An experimenter in this direction, he now and then forgot that the proper subject-matter of the novel is man man either individual or collective and spent himself in fruitless endeavours to endow the abstract with reality.

The stranger saw that he had made the desired impression; and he continued thus: "Give but your assent, old man, and not only will I render thee young, handsome, and wealthy; but I will endow thy mind with an intelligence to match that proud position.

And next, why had Doctor Ox made the proposition to light the town at his own expense? Why had he, of all the Flemings, selected the peaceable Quiquendonians, to endow their town with the benefits of an unheard-of system of lighting? In short, what was this original personage about to attempt? We know not, as Doctor Ox had no confidant except his assistant Ygène, who, moreover, obeyed him blindly.

Benedict, gave all his vast wealth to build and endow monasteries and hospitals, and lived himself in an hospital for beggars, nursing them, studying the Holy Scriptures, and living only on pulse, which his mother sent him every day in a silver dish the only remnant of his wealth till one day, having nothing else to give a shipwrecked sailor who asked alms, he bestowed it on him.

Harry turned upon Alison. "So with all my worldly goods I thee endow," he said, with a crooked smile. "God give you joy of them. I vow I was never so frightened of spending a guinea." "Why, d'ye doubt if I'm worth it? Nay, sir, I'm honest stuff and challenge any trial." Harry looked down at her and was met by eyes as bold as his own. The chapel door opened, and the little priest beckoned them in.