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"It would be a service to the Endicott family," Arthur said earnestly, "for I can swear to you that the truth will come out, the scandal which Horace Endicott fled to avoid and conceal forever." "Did you know Endicott?" "Very well indeed. I was his guide in California every time he made a trip to that country." "I might persuade Mrs.

One incident, however, which was connected with his life, must be related, because it will give the reader an idea of the opinions and feelings of the first settlers of New England. It was as follows: While Roger Williams sat in Grandfather’s chair, at his humble residence in Salem, John Endicott would often come to visit him.

She proved to her own satisfaction that these things could not be done. But there is a devil of perversity in her. She is like a boa constrictor ... I think that's the snake which cannot let go its prey once it has seized it. She can't let go. In desperation she is risking her own safety and happiness to make public her belief that I am Horace Endicott.

But, cheer up, the worst is yet to come, and if you will go down to the creek and wash your hands, you can come back and help me with the grub. You can get busy and dig the dough-gods and salve out of that sack while I sizzle up the sow-belly." Endicott regarded her with a frown of disapproval: "Why this preposterous and vulgar talk?" "Adaptability to environment," piped the girl, glibly.

These proceedings gave umbrage to two of the Salem party, who attempted forthwith to set up a separate church in conformity with episcopal models. A very important question was thus raised at once, but it was not allowed to disturb the peace of the colony. Endicott was a man of summary methods.

"That were indeed a deadly unkindness to the poor fawn," said Sir Richard, "seeing it would be imperiling her eternal salvation." "Better," said Endicott, "that she should continue in a darkness penetrated only by the dim light of nature than be made a victim of Roman superstition."

And with a curse that sounded in his ears like the snarl of a beast, Winthrop Adams Endicott tightened his grip upon the revolver and headed the horse up the steep ascent. The feel of his horse labouring up the trail held nothing of exhilaration for Endicott.

"Had I the power I'd punish you for saying it," answered the swain; "but, as I have not, I am compelled to ask that the girl go unharmed." "Will you have it so, or will you share your lover's punishment?" asked Endicott. "I will take all upon myself," said the woman. The face of the governor softened.

"A fellow like Link would be apt to find life slow on a ranch." After breakfast Mr. Endicott and Belle took the boys and girls around the ranch buildings, which were quite numerous. The girls were interested in some fancy chickens and pigeons Belle owned, and the boys grew enthusiastic over the horses.

"But, the water surely there was water in the flask last night!" Then, of a sudden, she understood. "You you fed it to me in my sleep," she faltered. "You were afraid I would refuse, and that was my dream!" "Mind over matter," reminded Endicott, with a distortion of his bleeding lips that passed for a grin. Again he fumbled in his slicker and withdrew the untouched can of tomatoes.