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"It will come right, I know," she said as she turned away. "But, Lord, how long?" Air perfumed with flowers; music, motion, warmth, and stillness; moonlit meadows, shadowy woods, the river, and the boat; it had been a time of delight too late begun and too soon ended. But exaltation cannot last beyond a certain time at that height, and then comes the inevitable reaction.

"Yes dead a long while. It means something. It come for some one. For one of us. One of us is goin' to die. I'm goin' to die!" he ended in a wail. "Come! Come!" snapped Bradley. "Won't do. Won't do at all. Get to work, all of you. Waste of time. Can't waste time."

This night ended, and in the morning the cannon was heard again. An early attack had been expected, and perspicacious officers had taken advantage of the few hours of rest to urge their men to prepare for the last march to the near frontier.

The policy of imperialism has been accepted by the people, although they have not thought seriously of its consequences. They have set out, in good faith, as they believe, to seek for life, liberty and happiness. They do not yet realize that, along the road that they are now traveling, the journey will not be ended until they have worn themselves threadbare in their efforts to conquer the earth.

"Well, I think you'd do the settin' part best, Prue, you are so patient. Till would fight like a wild cat, but she can't hold her tongue worth a cent," answered Eph; whereat Tilly pulled his hair, and the story ended with a general frolic.

She began, "They almost did," and when Charmian in the intensity of her interest could not keep turning around to stare at her, Cornelia took hold of her head and turned her face toward the fire again. Then she went on to tell how it had all happened. She did not spare herself at any point, and she ended the story with the expression of her belief that she had deserved it all.

These preposterous leases are interesting because they bring vividly before the human mind the certainty of wonderful and splendid changes in human affairs. The street railroad leases are especially fascinating to the imaginative mind. They deal with present conditions and will seem inconceivably primitive hundreds of years before the leases will have ended.

Yours perhaps more filled than mine has been, because you have children; but really we have both been browsing like sheep." Mrs. Hardcastle now was almost irritated. "I cannot agree with you," she said. "Our lives have been full of good and pleasant things and I hope, dear, we have both done our duty." This, of course, ended the matter! It was so undoubtedly true each had done her duty.

The air was heavy with perfumes, and the leaves formed a tracery against the marvellous blue of the sky. Mystery brooded in the place. Here, in this remote paradise now in ruins, people had dwelt and loved. Thought ended there; and feeling, which is unformed thought, began. Again she glanced at him, and again their eyes met, and hers faltered.

Lindsay, nodding to his young colleague. "Well, the directors are a unit. That settles the matter," Porter ended dogmatically. "The men may starve, but they'll never get back now." The young doctor's face set in rather rigid lines. He had made a mistake, had put himself outside the sympathies of this comfortable circle.