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As soon as the old couple were alone Eusebius told his wife how and where he had met the girl and ended by saying: "It is a puzzling question as to these Arians and other Christian heretics. I cannot be hard on them so long as they cling faithfully to the One Lord who is necessary to all.

He seems quite to haunt us to be our evil genius our Daimon!" "Hush, my dear! it is wrong to talk so. Remember, too, that he is Sara's husband." Olive did remember it. Jestingly though she spoke, there was in her a remembrance, as mournful as a thing so long ended could be, of that early friendship, whose falseness had been her loving, heart's first blight. She had never formed another.

I had not intended this to be the end of my speech, by a long one; but Jarman, whispering to me: "Ended at exactly the right moment; shows the born orator," strong inclination to remain seated, now that I was down seconding his counsel, and the company being clearly satisfied, I decided to leave things where they were. A delightful dreaminess was stealing over me.

"The angels will take me now," she whispered. The eyelids closed, there was no struggle, but the parents saw that her mission on earth was ended. Henceforth she would rejoice in the world where all is light and love. The mother wept not as she gazed upon that lifeless clay.

They knew only that Nan had gone back to her people, not why she had gone back; but the air was eager with surmise and rumor as to what had happened, and in this complete overturning of all de Spain's hopes, what would happen before the story ended.

Keith had been thinking very seriously during all this time, and when Pritchen ended he lifted up his voice. "Gentlemen, you have placed upon us a hard and important task, and as one of the Committee I wish to ask a few questions." The men giving him respectful attention, he proceeded: "Suppose one of us on the Committee should be the guilty person, what are we to do?"

Turned in a book on the livery bill, so that's all fixed. We'll make a clear hundred dollars out o' that little bump o' yours." "Little bump! Say, now, that's " "Keep it up put it on! Don't hurry about getting well. I don't need you to canvass, and I guess you enjoy being waited on." He ended with a sly wink and cough.

'No, child, no, he said, 'it will do you no harm now. The harm, I take it, has been done: soon it will be ended. You shall hear from his own lips that he will not hurt you. Jehane looked at him in wonder, startled out of confusion of face. 'Do you know more of him than I do, sire? she asked, with a quick heart.

That ended the man's magic; he could do nothing more, and had to turn into a bull again. He bellowed like anything, but he could not help it, for the black man's magic was stronger than his magic. Away he galloped, with his tail in the air, and that was the last Jean Malin ever saw of him. What became of him nobody ever knew, but he must have gone far, far away.

There was a large funeral procession and a huge black cross was placed at the door, and that ended the matter, so far as I know. They place little value upon life; they seem to think death is but the gate to great happiness, no matter what its manner may be. I used to see many persons, men and women, with crosses on their throats and bodies.