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Then he begged to know from them their reasons for protecting felons and debtors that fled from Carolina to them, and for encouraging negroes to leave their masters and take refuge at Augustine, while peace subsisted between the two crowns?

The activity was good for the troops and was successful in curbing the enemy's enterprise, besides encouraging the loyal inhabitants. There was now a lull in affairs till November, broken only by a mishap to Colonel Wolford's brigade of cavalry on the south of the Holston, where he was watching the enemy's advanced posts in the direction of Athens and Cleveland.

Here I discovered men and women fired with the glorious vision of a new world, of a proletarian world emancipated, a Utopian world, it glowed in romantic colours for the majority of those with whom I came in closest contact. The next step, the immediate step, was another matter, less romantic and too often less encouraging.

I must say that the Walpurgis Night for a person playing at sight and unaccustomed to Wagner's music is an ordeal however, he acquitted himself extremely well and we got through our performance triumphantly, but great drops of perspiration were on his forehead. W. was very nice to him and Mlle. Dubois quite charming, encouraging him very much.

Many a father has been won by his child. By selecting articles on the subject, and having them inserted in the daily papers. By praying for its success in your church prayer meetings, and encouraging others to do the same. By prayer as a Union, and by private prayer.

And, perhaps more flattering than all, he began to have society invitations to dine, and professional invitations to those little breakfasts that publishers give to old writers and to young whose names are beginning to be spoken of. All this was very exhilarating and encouraging.

There is a touch of confident faith in her voice that is delicately encouraging. He has had no sympathy for so long until the professor came, for it would be simply foolish to expect it of his own household, who are not even certain that they can confide in his sense of justice. He has bidden adieu to the old friends and scenes, and is not quite fitted to the new, hence the jarring.

I was able to write home the most encouraging reports of my progress. For these I received nearly five hundred dollars! Accompanying the note of acceptance was a personal letter from Richard Watson Gilder, so hearty in its words of appreciation that I was assured of another and more distinctive avenue of expression. It meant something to get into the Century in those days.

Directly a piece is produced in Paris that we run over to see you know the sort! the Grand Duke and foreign Royalty species she has it adapted for her. Of course it's Bowdlerised as to words, but she manages to get back all that's been taken out in her acting. Young America's crazy about her. She's going to play over here." "Oh!" Lady Holme's voice was not encouraging, but Mrs.

It would depress productive labour, by encouraging too hastily that labour which is altogether barren and unproductive.