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Seven times had he been forced to encore, before the enraptured audience would leave the concert-hall; and at Count Lichtenstein's the house of the German ambassador, he had been lionized till even he was satisfied. Wherefore was he in excellent humor before, entering his living-room, his eyes fell upon the unexpected figure of his brother, who stood silently awaiting him.

"Are you glad I taught you to dance?" she asked laughingly; while the room shouted for an encore. "Glad," he whispered, "glad! Ah! my lady, my lady, to dance with you is the nearest approach to heaven that we poor mortals may have.

She shook it back, and danced the encore without the fillet. With her scant chiffons whirling about her knees, her loose hair, her girlish body, she was the embodiment of young love, of its passion, its fire. Edith had been spring, palpitant with gladness. Lethway, looking with tired eyes from the wings, knew that he had made a commercial success.

The King, three or four times in the night, would go round to their different apartments, fearful they might be destroyed in their sleep, and ask, "Etes vous la?" when they would answer him from within, "Nous sommes encore ici."

You think the tears of agony of a Beethoven are finely painted. You would cry 'Encore' to the Crucifixion. A great soul struggles all its life long in sorrow to divert your idleness for an hour!..." So, without knowing it, he confirmed Goethe's great words: but he had not yet attained his lofty serenity: "The people make a sport of the sublime.

But this night she did believe it would have added to their education to see such skill, especially as Chee was a little inclined to toe in and be clumsy. You remember, Chee stumbled and fell into the lake. All of the evening was successful, and the applause at the close of the concert as they responded to an encore with the Mosquito Aria was wonderful.

Her beauty was not regular, but she had 'La grace, plus belle encore que la beaute', according to the good La Fontaine. She had the soft abandonment, the supple and elegant movements, and the graceful carelessness of the creoles. I am convinced that all who were acquainted with her must have felt bound to speak well of her; to few, indeed, did she ever give cause for complaint.

Speed increases with the lessening chance of proof; the eye flashes more and more fiercely; the breast heaves; the hand clinches; the cheek burns, until, suddenly, in the very moment of despair, having as yet spoken no word, she comes to the table, sees the candle, which still smokes, and drawing herself up with fearful calmness, her cheeks grow pallid, the lips livid, the hands relax, the eye deadens as with a blow, and, with the despairing conviction that she is betrayed, her heart-break sighs itself out in a cold whisper, "Elle fume encore".

Mon bien Cher M. Reeve, Je ferai naturellement tous mes efforts pour vous rapprocher encore plus de l'Institut, et vous y donner un rang digne de vous; mais je ne dois pas vous laisser ignorer qu'il y aura lutte. Je ne sais s'il vous conviendra que votre nom soit discute.

Lorimer nodded contentedly at the stage, as Thayer ended his song. "That's all right; but they would better save their strength, for he never gives an encore for the first number. What do you think of Thayer now, Beatrix?" She caught her breath sharply. "That I should be a better woman, if I could hear him sing often." "There's something in what you say. He makes me feel it, too.