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But for all that 'tisn't in me to call the man a bad man, because I truly and sincerely believe en to be a good young feller."

Marse Scoville en de big Linkum gin'ral say we free, en Perkins larf 'temptuous like. We des all a-lookin' ter you, young mistis." "Oh, uncle! what can I do?" "Shame on you, Uncle Lusthah, fer pilin' up sech a heap ob 'plexity on my honey," cried Aun' Jinkey, who was as practical as she was superstitious. "I kin tell you w'at ter do. I doan projeck en smoke in my chimbly-corner fer not'n.

Nabis had sent into the field a considerable army amounting to 15,000 men, of whom 5000 were mercenaries, and he had confirmed his rule afresh by a complete reign of terror by the execution -en masse- of the officers and inhabitants of the country whom he suspected.

"If I had not turned up she might have become en- gaged to you." "Hang might!"Would, then." "If you had not come I should certainly yes, certainly have been accepted by this time. If you had not seen her you might have been married to Fanny. Well, there's too much difference between Miss Ever- dene's station and your own for this flirtation with her ever to benefit you by ending in marriage.

F' instance, dey's a young nigger gwine ter school in town, en he come out heah de yuther day en 'lowed dat de sun stood still en de yeath turnt roun' eve'y day on a kinder axletree.

I sanctioned the movement, and ordered two of Palmers divisions Davis's and Baird's to follow en echelon in support of Schofield, and summoned General Palmer to meet me in person: He came on the 6th to my headquarters, and insisted on his resignation being accepted, for which formal act I referred him to General Thomas.

In less'n a week atter he gin dis warnin', he cotch a nigger in de hen-'ouse, en fill' 'im full er squir'l-shot. W'en he got a light, he 'skivered it wuz a strange nigger; en w'en he call' one er his own sarven's, de nigger tole 'im it wuz our Wiley.

"She lebe you des lak a cat dat snoop off enywhar en arter enybody w'at got mo' vittles. Wat she keer?" Down came the apron, revealing black eyes blazing through the tears which were dashed right and left as Zany cried, "You ole himage, w'at you keer? You tink a hun'erd times mo' ob yer pipe ner Miss Lou.

So I 'low ez he paid Aun' Peggy ten dollars fer to goopher de grapevimes. "De goopher did n' wuk no mo' tel de nex' summer, w'en 'long to'ds de middle er de season one er de fiel' han's died; en ez dat lef' Mars Dugal' sho't er han's, he went off ter town fer ter buy anudder. He fotch de noo nigger home wid 'im.

Warn your friends in the chamber that we must be en route in an hour. Away! while I awake Don Augustin and the Senator." "Just as I have known him for twenty years," muttered Cuchillo, as he hastened to his companions, "always awake, always ready for the greatest obstacles.