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The cathedral was emptied of its crowd, leaving nothing but the dust to tell of what had been, and the bells once more went pealing forth over the city. Mr. Pye crossed the nave, and quitted the cathedral by the cloister door, followed by the choristers.

Libraries emptied, china smashed, sideboards split open with axes, three cedar chests cut open, plundered, and set up on end; all parlor ornaments carried off even the alabaster Apollo and Diana that Hal valued so much.

It had not occurred to him to warn his chief that that afternoon the basin had been emptied and repaired, and that below the diving-board were only six inches of water just enough to give back, in semi-darkness, a liquid reflection, and, beneath that, solid slabs of marble. Yamuro peered over the edge and a deep groan broke from him.

They had never dreamt of such an invasion. Their crews were small, their lumbering vessels very lightly armed, their towns unfortified. But Drake went faster by sea than their news by land. Every vessel was overhauled, taken, searched, emptied of its treasure, and then sent back with its crew and passengers at liberty.

Every now and then those two silent watchers could hear the dismal clank of the windlass chain, and a rattle of ore on the dump, when the huge buckets were hoisted to the surface and emptied of their spoil.

But when she moved, she knew that the fragrance came from within the room, from Ellen Bourne's Christmas rose, blossoming on the table.... Above, her eye fell on the picture that Jenny had brought to her on that day when she had all but emptied the house, as if in readiness.

He dreamily emptied and refilled his glass. "By Jove, dear old boy" Percy fixed his eye-glass and gazed admiringly at the speaker "that's a splendid idea! Sort of glorified man-trap what! dear old thing." "That's it, Percy, old lad. Why don't you make one next time you're in the trenches?" The speaker winked at the remainder of the party. "'Pon my soul, dear old man, I think I will."

That was the last straw; for in the Mountain Province the lumber and railroad gangs as a rule work hard and live well; and when the cans of green tea had been emptied the growls culminated in a call for the cook. He came forward and stood before them, a little, shaky, gray-haired wreck of a man, with the signs of indulgence plain upon him.

A woman came into the yard, with a can of tea for her husband, and a full apron. As she went out, she emptied a set of tools out of her apron on to an old grindstone, and slipped out. The news of this soon traveled into the office, and both Cheetham and Bayne came out to look at them.

She no more thought of a break in the grand routine of placid joy than she thought of leaving off the process by which she filled and emptied her lungs when breathing. As perhaps is usual with the majority of successful people, she never considered whether the hour had not come for diminishing the effort that was producing the success.