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C who has the reputation of being a most excellent pastor. He is indefatigable in visiting the sick, in comforting the afflicted, in dealing with the recreant and the unconverted. But Mr. Wheaton says emphatically he will never do for our people. "He is no preacher, Mr. Laicus," says he; "and our people demand first-rate preaching. We must have a man that can draw." We talked over Mr.

You look as if you could be infernally happy." "Aren't you?" "Who is?" "Loads of people," she declared emphatically. "The very vain and the very stupid. Who else?" Mavis was beginning to be interested. It amused and, at the same time, touched her to notice the difference between the dreary nature of the sentiments and the youthful, comely face of the speaker. "I'm going now," she said.

Why do I wait for any man older than myself, or for any man of a different city, to begin?" With these reflections, interesting in themselves, and given with Homeric vivacity, he instantly went to convene the captains who had served under his late friend Proxenus. He impressed upon them emphatically the necessity of standing forward to put the army in a posture of defence.

That is easily explained. Your uncle has been here this morning. Nicholas coloured, and drew back a step or two. 'Yes, said the old gentleman, tapping his desk emphatically, 'here, in this room. He would listen neither to reason, feeling, nor justice. But brother Ned was hard upon him; brother Ned, sir, might have melted a paving-stone. 'He came to said Nicholas.

We had settled all the preliminaries by the time the Colonel and Forrest returned, and I bade her good night, feeling quite easy in my mind. "I am delighted to be able to congratulate you," said Forrest, the moment we were outside. "I am the luckiest man in the world," I replied. "You are," returned the detective, emphatically.

Is there really something so wrong with the world that a dishonest man can work more harm than a man of honor can ever undo? Do you think so?" he concluded, turning to regard them from under his knitted brows as if he must, in his distress, find some word of reassurance somewhere. "No," said Oliver emphatically, finding his voice somewhat to his own surprise. "I don't think so at all.

In fact, the Son is emphatically "he who is sent," and the Father is "he who sent him:" and all would feel the deep impropriety of trying to exchange these phrases. The Son who is sent, sent, not after he was humbled to become man, but in order to be so humbled, was NOT EQUAL TO, but LESS THAN, the Father who sent him.

'It's more nor I can tell, said Martha, emphatically, nodding her head till the short curls dangling over her ears vibrated as if they were made of wire. 'He spoke to the dumb man and drew pictures for him, and then off he goes. The dumb man! Gaston pricked up his ears at this, and, wondering what Villiers wanted to talk to Pierre about, he determined to find out.

On this topic I have already dwelt so emphatically that I only return to it because there are few who seem to attach to this effect of popular institutions all the importance to which it is entitled. People think it fanciful to expect so much from what seems so slight a cause to recognize a potent instrument of mental improvement in the exercise of political franchises by manual laborers.

But one lost the inclination to laugh when one saw his wife and his daughter swallowing particles of arsenic day and night, and heard them repeat emphatically as they broke their needles against the brass wire with which the little birds were mounted: "No! no! Monsieur Delobelle has no right to abandon the stage."