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After being graduated from Yale he went south, where he became a tutor in the family of General Greene's widow, then living on the Savannah River, in the home which, you remember, Georgia gave her husband. While he was in Mrs. Greene's home he invented for her an embroidery-frame which she greatly valued.

The chief gardener, with a temporary indifference to his own interests, had stripped his hothouses for the decoration of the rooms, and great vases of exotics made the atmosphere odorous, and contrasted pleasantly with the wintry fires. Miss Granger sat in the principal drawing-room, with her embroidery-frame before her, determined not to be flurried or disturbed by the bride's return.

Ellen bent lower over her embroidery-frame, for she felt a tell-tale flush was rising to her cheek, and without looking up, replied calmly "Miss Harcourt is a proof that such love can and does exist more often, perhaps, in a woman's heart. In a man seldom, unless educated and living entirely apart from each other." "I think you are right, Ellen," said her aunt.

It seemed absurdly enough that the room could never have looked quite right when it had not this graceful creature with her soft gowns and her pearls, her embroidery-frame and heaped, bright-hued silks sitting by the fire. "Miss Jean, won't you sing us a song? I'm convinced that you sing Scots songs quite perfectly." Jean laughed.

Lister beckoned her brother over to her side of the hearth, where she had an embroidery-frame, whereon was stretched some grand design in Berlin wool-work, to which she devoted herself every now and then with a great show of industry.