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At first Bob, seated in the chair of state facing his class, was shy and embarrassed; but soon he forgot himself in his subject and losing his hesitancy he spoke with the authority of one who has mastered his art.

"I won't unless some of you squeal on me," declared Bob. He looked over the balcony railing at the struggling minister, who was trying in vain to get free from the chair. "Nobody'll squeal," declared Will Merton. "Of course not," added Sam Shoop. The minister, very much embarrassed, was doing his best to get rid of the chair.

They sat down on chairs and remained, motionless and silent, the women on one side of the kitchen, the men on the other, suddenly seized with timidity, with that embarrassed sadness which takes possession of people assembled for a ceremony. One of the cousins soon asked: "Is it not the hour?" Cesaire replied: "I am much afraid it is." "Come on! Let us start," said another. Those rose up.

No, no, no. I believe you. I’ll tell you what it is: you go to Grushenka yourself, or see her somehow; make haste and ask her; see for yourself, which she means to choose, him or me. Eh? What? Can you?” “If I see her I’ll ask her,” Alyosha muttered, embarrassed. “No, she won’t tell you,” the old man interrupted, “she’s a rogue. She’ll begin kissing you and say that it’s you she wants.

Gayford pushed the beer jug and a glass toward him, saying: "Help yourself, Joe." Joe drank a draught, wiped his mouth on his blue sleeve, and remarked: "No offense, gentlemen." "None," said Gayford, who seemed to have assumed the chairmanship of the meeting. Joe, seeming slightly embarrassed, cleared his throat, and looked round again.

You will permit me to tell the porter to call round my groom;" and going out for a moment, he bade the porter in a loud clear voice order his horses to be saddled again, and his groom to come round. He then returned to the chamber where the Duke remained, and both continued silent and embarrassed.

Her reception by Mr. Imlay, was cold and embarrassed. They had small pretensions indeed to explicitness; but they sufficiently told, that the case admitted not of remedy. Mary was incapable of sustaining her equanimity in this pressing emergency.

If you would be useful in the cause of temperance, Edward, if you would save such as I, and, what is more important, if you would save the young, then use all your influence to stop the liquor traffic." "Oh, I'm not at all ultra," said Edward, somewhat embarrassed, "I have never given the subject which you mention much thought."

It was after dark, prayers had been said and the hymns sung through all the village, and Strong and the German sat together on the mats in the house of Tamasese, when the events began. Strong speaks German freely, a fact which he had not disclosed, and he was scarce more amused than embarrassed to be able to follow all the evening the dissension and the changing counsels of his neighbours.

Vernon seemed embarrassed; but recovering himself with his usual ease, he replied archly: "Perhaps, sir, it will be of little use to know what I think of your plan; my fair cousin may have upset it already." "Ha, sir! let me look at you. So, so! you are not jesting. What the deuce do you mean? 'Gad, man, speak out!" "Do you not think that Mr.