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In the first place, those "great" conceptions such, for example, as that of the indivisible and inviolable poetic genius, Homer were during the pre-Wolfian period only too great, and hence inwardly altogether empty and elusive when we now try to grasp them.

Those vast attributes were not specified, but there was a mysterious intimation of their existence as of something vague, formidable, and mostly elusive.

Its mere possibility dissolved the instant she focused it to get the truth behind it. It was too utterly elusive, made, protæan. Under the attack of even a minute's concentration the very meaning of it vanished, melted away. The idea lay really behind any words that she could ever find, beyond the touch of definite thought. Her mind was unable to grapple with it.

Such were his expressions as we danced and ducked, feinted and smote, and as often as he bade me watch his right, that same right smacked home upon my ribs or face while I wasted myself in futile yet exceedingly earnest efforts to smite in turn his ever-moving body or elusive, wagging head, what time over and under and through my guard shot his terrible fists, to tap me lightly here, to pat me there until my breath grew short.

Some kinds of terriers still have their ears starched up to look perky, and I have occasionally seen a dog with one ear up and the other down as if straining after the elusive idea expressed in the Baden-Powell hat. All which shows that "one touch of nature makes the whole world kin."

Two days before Lord Chesham had conducted a reconnaissance with his cavalry, to which I had been invited, and at which he had promised me "fine sport." "Butterflies" was someone's description of these elusive enemies of ours; and when one considers what a fine chase they gave us, and how hot and cross we became in the course of it, the description seems not inapt.

His fame went abroad through all the valley as the best fiddler in seven parishes round, and people often came from afar to hear him. There was a peculiar quality in his playing something strangely appealing, that brought the tears to one's eyes yet so elusive that it was impossible to repeat or describe it.

"I want some good, hot stuff now!" "Then you'll have to find it for yourself, very soon," remarked Carver. "Take my tip you'll get nothing from the police." Triffitt was well aware of that. He had talked to two or three police officials and detectives that morning, and had found them singularly elusive and uncommunicative.

She flitted by his side in her airy way, chatting inconsequently, not troubling about response, as elusive as a fairy and the man felt it in the rising fever of his veins as maddeningly attractive. They reached the bungalow. She went up the steps to the rose-twined veranda as though she floated on wings of gossamer. "The roses are all asleep, Billikins," she said.

I would not have you go away and say to yourself, 'Did I make my meaning clear? Was I too elusive?" Mr. Parker scratched the floor with the point of a gleaming shoe. He seemed to be searching for words. "Say on," urged Smith. "Have you come to point out some flaw in that article? Does it fall short in any way of your standard for such work?" Mr. Parker came to the point.