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Jonah tilted him on his back, and tickled his fat legs, pretending to worry him like a dog. The pair made a tremendous noise. "Oh, gi' the kid a bit o' peace!" cried Ada, angry at being disturbed. "Yous git round, an' 'elp Mum wi' the clothes," snapped Jonah. "Me? No fear!" cried Ada, with a malicious grin. "I didn't knock off work to carry bricks. Yous married me, an' yer got ter keep me."

Your ma'll 'ave forgotten all about it by goin'-out time or she'll pertend she 'as to save 'erself trouble. Come and 'elp us wi' the beds." Beth rose slowly from the piano-stool, and followed Harriet upstairs to the bedroom at the back of the house. She was at once attracted to the open window by an uproar of voices "the voices of children in happy play."

"No, sir, I 'aven't," replied Robin, with a somewhat cross look. "That there Slogger has played me false these two times. Leastwise, though he couldn't 'elp it the fust time, he's got to clear 'isself about the second." "You know where the Slogger lives, don't you?" I asked.

"You be quiet, young gentlemen. If you can't 'elp don't 'inder." Foxy's eye was still on the council by the horse. Carter, White, and Tyrrell, all boys of influence, had joined it. The rest fingered the rifles irresolutely. "Wait a shake," cried Stalky. "Can't we turn out those rotters before we get to work?" "Certainly," said Foxy. "Any one wishful to join will stay 'ere.

"Mouse or Louse, it means the syme," declared W. Keyse with burning eyes. "And the Doctor's goin' to find it does." He held up his lean right hand and swore it. "So 'elp me, Jimmy Cripps!" Lynette Saxham came into the consulting-room that was on the ground-floor of the house in Harley Street, behind the room where patients waited their turn.

He's the Jenison boy. Well, he ain't guilty. Get the notion? We Ve got to 'elp 'im out of the country. Mum's the word, lads. Say!" He stood back to inspect his charge. "If you're going to wear them togs, you've got to 'ave your face done over to match." Whereupon he began to apply grease and bismuth to the countenance of the amazed young patrician. The others looked on and laughed good- naturedly.

I 'ave two kiddies at 'ome, sir, and I couldn't 'elp feeling sorry for him. Then he said as how his old mother had died awhile ago and he'd never see her again. When he started cryin' I was so sorry for him I couldn't stand it any longer, sir. So I killed the poor blighter."

"That, sir, that's London, sir cobble-stones, sir, cart-vheels, sir, and Lord love you!" here Mottle-face leaned over and once more winked his owl-like eye "but 'e ain't mentioned the vord 'walise' all night, sir so 'elp me!" Having said which, Mottle-face vented a throaty chuckle, and proceeded to touch up his horses.

An' them as grazes on Passon Walden, gittin' out of 'im all they can to 'elp 'em along, wouldn't go to church, no more than Miss Vancourt do, if they didn't know wot a man 'e is to be relied on in times o' trouble, an' a reg'lar 'usband to the parish in sickness an' in 'elth, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, till death do 'im part.

"W'y, gorblimey!" said Hardy, "Ain't that queer? that's jes' wot I wos a-thinkin' . . . Well, Gawd 'elp Sorjint Slavin now!" With which cryptic utterance he resumed his eternal polishing. "Amen!" responded the farrier piously, "Reddy, here, an' Yorkey on th' same detachment. . . . What th' one don't know t'other'll teach him. . . . You'd better let 'em have th' parrot, too."