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And if you gets up your bazaar, I'll do what I can to 'elp." "Then you will dine with us to-night?" Chris asked, eagerly. "Don't say no, I met a man once with a past like yours at Lady Roslingham's, and he was so interesting. We will call for you in an hour's time with the waggonette. Then we can settle half our plans before dinner." Merritt was graciously pleased to be agreeable.

Pash, as is also Sunday inclined, to 'elp me. The orfice-boy 'ere went, and I come." Tray tossed the shilling and spat on it for luck as he slipped it into the pocket of quite a respectable pair of trousers. "So I'm on m'waiy to bein' Lord Mayor turn agin Wittington, as they ses in the panymine." "Well," said Beecot, amused, "I hope you will prove yourself worthy." Tray winked. "Ho!

"It's us for a pulley and bucket arrangement until we can get the 'oist to working and the skip to running. 'Elp me 'eave a few timbers." It was the beginning of a three-days' job, the building of a heavy staging over the top of the shaft, the affixing of the great pulley and then the attachment of the bucket at one end, and the skip, loaded with pig iron, on the other.

"A young woman, Miss. From the country, I tyke it." "She didn't give you a card?" "No, Miss. She came with the person Mr. Whitford took on to 'elp with the work houtside." "Oh! Show them both up. And have tea sent in, Jenkins." Kitty's shy eyes lifted apprehensively to those of this slim young patrician so beautifully and simply gowned. Instantly her fears fled.

"Really, I couldn't 'elp it, sir. Mr. Hopdyke 'ad sent me of an errand. When I got back, why, 'ere she was, a-going it as bad as any suffragette." Ramsdell checked himself abruptly, and gave a discreet little cough. Then, warned by something in the doctor's face that he could proceed with perfect safety, he went on once more. "As I came hup the stairs, I 'eard 'er telling Mr.

"Of course I began to roar for 'elp like a bull, and Rokens there, 'oo 'appened to be near, 'e let down the hend of a rope, but my 'ands was so slippy with oil I couldn't ketch 'old of it; so 'e 'auls it up agin, and lets down a rope with a 'ook at the hend, and I got 'old of this and stuck it into the waistband o' my trousers, and gave the word, `'Eave away, my 'earties; and sure enough so they did, and pulled me out in a trice.

There's my niece, Emma, I don't say she is a saint, but a better 'earted, 'arder working gal, at twenty pounds a year, you don't expect to find, unless maybe you're a natural born fool that can't 'elp yourself. She wanted a place. She 'ad been 'ome for nearly six months, nursing 'er old father, as 'ad been down all the winter with rheumatic fever; and 'ard-put to it she was for a few clothes.

"If he hasn't, it's all right," he said; "but I think as you're one of them as don't complain if you can 'elp it." He opened his hand and showed a great jagged flint which he carried. "I'd ha' knocked his other peeper out with this," he said, "blowed if I wouldn't!" "Don't do anything of the sort, John, but run home like a good little boy." "All right, miss. Good-bye to ye!"

He came up to me in the afternoon while I was confined upstairs with a Bible and my own thoughts. "'Ello," he said, and fretted about. "D'you mean to say there isn't no one," he said, funking the word. "No one?" "No one watching yer always." "Why should there be?" I asked. "You can't 'elp thoughts," said my cousin, "anyhow. You mean " He stopped hovering.

"And who else?" "I don't know." "Then there is nobody else?" "Well, I don't know I'm not sure." The detective was puzzled. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I will tell you all I know," said Mrs. Hableton, "an' if 'e's innocent, God will 'elp 'im." "If who is innocent?" "I'll tell you everythin' from the start," said Mrs. Hableton, "an' you can judge for yourself." Mr.