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There was something magnetic about Tim, and Eloise felt it, and was sorry when he was gone. The world looked very dreary with the fog and rain outside, and the best room inside, with its stiff hair-cloth furniture, glaring paper and cheap prints on the wall one of them of Beatrice Cenci, worse than anything she had ever seen.

Why not have a lace ruffle? I'll get one in a jiffy." Eloise declined the ruffle. The handkerchief was bad enough, but a lace ruffle with that gown would have been worse. "Now, I'll call Tim to go in front and keep you from falling. He is kind of awkward, but I'll go behind and stiddy you, and you grit your teeth and put on the mind cure, and down we go," Mrs.

Surely, with God's help, I can master the pain." "Make no attempt," I said; "your slight figure will prove no burden to me. It was of Eloise I thought." "Then do so in that way no longer," she burst forth eagerly. "I have been trouble enough to you, Geoffrey. I will not consent to remain helpless. See! I can stand alone ay, and walk; even this great height does not render my head dizzy."

She and Miss Eloise don't want to be bothered." "Is it a bother to do a kindness?" asked Jewel in a subdued tone. "To some folks it is," was the response. They had reached the door of the child's room; "but some folks can see their duty and do it," she added virtuously. Jewel realized regretfully that her present companion belonged to the latter class.

If she could see everything and everybody, so everybody could see her, and for a moment there was a hush in the large room where every eye was turned upon Eloise, who began to feel very uncomfortable, and wish she had not come. She had wondered what she ought to wear, and had decided upon black as always suitable.

Clinging to one of the blankets, caught and held by its pin, was a peculiar emblem, and I stood for a moment with it in my hand, curiously examining the odd design. Eloise unclosed her eyes, and started to her feet. "What is that you have?" she asked, "A pin of some kind a rather strange design; I just found it here, entangled in this blanket."

He did not like it, and was in a bad frame of mind mentally, when, after what seemed an eternity to Eloise, they came to three or four squat-roofed houses in a row, at one of which Sam stopped, confidently affirming it was the Widder Biggs's, although he could not see the "lalock and pineys." "Knock louder!

He had laughed at Jack's rhapsodies over Eloise Smith, and said to himself, "His interest in her will never be very lasting, no matter how pretty she is. Jack Harcourt and a basket-boarder! Ha, ha! Rich. Still, I'd like to see her." After that he had nearly forgotten her in his absorbing efforts to keep the right side of his uncle, and entertain Amy.

"I don't belong to your world, and I don't want to try any more. I'm what he called me I'm a circus riding girl. I was born in the circus, and I'll never change. That's my work riding, and it's yours to preach. You must do your work, and I'LL do MINE." She started toward the ring. Eloise and Barbarian were already waiting at the entrance. "Eloise!"

They were on the beach, behind the friendly sand-dune that had been their trysting place all Summer. Thoroughly humble in her surrender, yet wholly womanly, Eloise put her soft arms around his neck. "I will," she said. "Kiss me for the last time before " "Before what?" demanded Allan, as, laughing, she extricated herself from his close embrace. "Before you exchange your sweetheart for a wife."