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And, as there were but three drug shops in Elmwood, it was not difficult to pick out the one represented. "We'll go with you!" exclaimed Jack. "Hurray, Tom! I do believe you're on the trail at last." "Sure," assented Bert. "Let's go at once." "I'd like to have you along," explained Tom, "but I think maybe I'd better go by myself.

I dare say he wished me to feel it to its last implication, and I did my best, but there was nothing in the evening I enjoyed so much as his coming up to Mrs. Lowell, at the close, when there was only a title or two left, and saying to her as he would have said to her at Elmwood, where she would have personally planned it, "Fanny, that was a fine dinner you gave us."

The boys at the store talked about him: he sort of laid hold on our imaginations with the library he gave, and Elmwood Park, and the picture of the big organ in your church in the newspapers and sometimes, Mary and me and the boy, in the baby carriage, on Sunday afternoons we used to walk around by his house, just to look at it.

Never, in the history of Elmwood Hall, had there been such an occurrence. An implied charge against one of the school lads a serious charge; the denial on the part of one to whom suspicion might point, and the retort direct from another. It was unheard of. Silence followed Tom's dramatic announcement.

I certainly tested her saying upon this occasion, for I gazed upon the dear old Academy till it faded in the distance from my sight, and since then I have both seen and entered it. When my mother met me at the depot at Elmwood, I could hardly believe the tall girl who accompanied her was my sister, Flora, so much had she grown during the past year.

The external facts of his career are easy to trace and must be set down here with brevity. A minister's son, and descended from a very old and distinguished family, he was born at Elmwood in Cambridge in 1819. After a somewhat turbulent course, he was graduated from Harvard in 1838, the year of Emerson's "Divinity School Address."

I doubt very much if there was that night a happier family in Elmwood than the one which rested beneath the roof of our little brown cottage. Happy days pass swiftly. The meeting of the friends at Elmwood was indeed a joyful reunion and each one seemed anxious to do their utmost to contribute to the enjoyment of the other.

For Stead, like everyone else at Elmwood, kept his accounts by tally and in his head, and the mysteries of the nine Arabic figures were perfectly unknown to him.

The past days had been trying on all of them on every one in Elmwood Hall from the most lordly Senior, or calm post-graduate, to the "fuzziest" Freshman, who thought he bore the weight of the whole school on his narrow shoulders. For one and all felt the stigma that rested upon the institution Tom most of all. True, as it happened, the affair was not as serious as had at first seemed.

I was to leave Elmwood by the early morning train so we were up betimes; but, early as it was, we found my mother already up and breakfast awaiting us. The railway station was a little beyond the village, and more than a mile from our dwelling. Dr. Gray sent over the horse and carriage very early, and Charley, with my mother and Flora, was to accompany me to the depot.